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2015/08/02 12:52:50瀏覽1165|回應0|推薦2 | |
背景音樂: 明月千里寄相思 請按喜好調整方格內喇叭聲音高低. 按了背景音乐自動播放,若無効,請在閲讀文章之後,再按 YouTube link 欣赏音乐。
https://youtu.be/dRhhw39GhRk 常說,相遇就是有緣。「小蘋果」因緣成家,要感謝加州排舞協會,提供健康快樂,讓大家因緣一線牽 … 喜愛上了籃子中的每顆蘋果, 阿想一星期中最期待的就是週三和週日晚上八點半的來臨;大家的歡笑,眉飛色舞可愛「開心倩」、活力十足快樂「貞給力」,總讓老阿想返老還童。
快樂直爽的貞給力,參加練習準時,給團隊的建言,適時但不堅持;只有當初推薦開心倩和阿輝夫婦加入「小蘋果」時,力諍不餒。 「最佳創意獎」的獲得是甜美的,但練習的過程是「酸甜苦辣」交擊的... Well, 男女成家,生活在一起,都要經過不斷的琢磨、諒解、互助磨合期,才能永結同心。 你是我的小呀小蘋果兒 Your are my little Apple. 怎么愛你都不嫌多 No mater how much I love you, it will never be too much. 红红的小脸兒温暖我的心窩 Your sweet face touches and warms up my heart. 點亮我生命的火 火火火火 You enlighten my life, fire, fire, fire, fire! 你是我的小呀小蘋果兒 You are my little Apple. 就像天邊最美的雲朵 Just like the most beautiful cloud in the sky. 春天又来到了花開满山坡 Spring comes again with flowers blooming all over the hill. 種下希望就會收穫 Once a hope is planted, crop will follow. 點下面聯結,觀看「小蘋果」的表演,請回去文章左上角關掉「明月千里寄相思」音樂。謝謝! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ6LO9vGa5o
後記: After-notes for a life time to remember ….
(翡怡所思) We should thank ourselves for all those harsh nightmare practicings, 阿輝recording and阿想s sweet watermelon. Thank you so much...... I love you all, I miss you all..... (阿輝) Thank you翡怡所思for your leadership in every steps until we are holding the 30 pound trophy. The ever-evolving Little Apple Dance Script. The Two part music, the uniform, the fairy wings, the WindMill, the Cat-Hop, the Karate-Chop, the Interweaving between Boys and Girls Rows. I can go on and on for many more weeks. Thanks for the guidances. I am happy to be a part of LA. A trophy makes it sweeter. I cant make it even in my wildest dreams, hoping, someday our path might cross again. (君玲) I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of you making our team becomes a "family". This is a true blessing to me. I have never expected Little Apple will have such a wonderful out come. The seeds we planted are really growing into Sweet Sweet apples. We Little Apple Team …We cooperated with each other, coordinated with each other, communicated with each other, tried our best, and we won the very meaningful prize~~Best Creative Award!!! We are cool and thoughtful. We had confidence of the competition. Its fun to practice together. Its fun to read all of the group emails. Its fun to overcome the dance steps I have struggled. Its fun to chat and joke with our teammates. Its fun to watch our practicing videos. Its fun to try on my costume at the first time. Thank you Big Brother阿想and Dana, your watermelons are the sweetest in the world. Thank you 阿輝 for all the recording work and the lovely present to me. Thank you開心倩for always bring us happiness Thank you王子for bringing us the music all the time. Thank you 蔣夫人 for her perfect buffet lunch on July 25. Thank you美肩娘for your cucumbers and bringing Salvatore to us and thank you帥多禮for your great smile. Thank you郎for all your concern and suggestions Thank you必嬴愛麗絲for bringing Jim to our team and bring back the trophy to us. Thank you薔薇夏娃for bringing us beautiful flowers. Thank you貞給力, 阿蘭, 君玲and杏姿 Appreciated翡怡所思s creative ideas and handmade costume wings, we are also proud of ourselves that we interpreted perfectly. Appreciated蔣夫人s shopping of the costumes for us, and 薔薇夏娃s lovely flowers. Appreciated all of you to help me improving my dance movement day-by-day. I gained much both physically and spiritually by joining the Little Apple team. (蔣夫人) I am incredibly proud of each and every single one of us. Winning the "Most Creative" award is a true testament to our hard work, dedication and passion for line dancing… I gained a new family. We have come so far in our journey and I couldnt be happier at the results… Thank you every one for making our time together such a special memory in my heart. Thank you so much Captain 翡怡所思, our Big Brother 阿想, Our photographer阿輝, and our super model 王子 for believing in us and for all your guidance and support. Just like the words in the songs chorus, Team Little Apple will always be on "fire, fire, fire!" Please remember that this isnt a farewell, but a "see you next time." Congratulations again, everyone! (一郎 &杏姿) 一筐小蘋果,產自兩岸三地,留下芳香的記憶。三四個月不離不棄,捧了奬杯更加溫暖,火火火火火!Flower is so pretty! So are all of you! Thank you all! (薔薇夏娃) 忘不了,忘不了......but dont know why my tear is falling down.... Hope to see all of you soon... Take care! (美肩娘) We definitely had very good time during the last few months as clearly proved from all the emails with all kinds of appreciations and thanks. I dont need to say much here as I feel the same as all of you. Thanks for our captains patience through out all the practices. We really had a wonderful few months! Please keep dancing. See you all soon! (帥多禮) A few words of thank you from me too. This was such a learning and rewording experience for me beyond what I had expected. Usually when there is a group of people, typically at work, there is tension due to competition among each other. I was surprised instead by the spirit of collaboration that existed among the little apple team. Nobody was fearful that one person would look better than another but we all wanted every one to look good and we helped each other to do so. This made me understand the importance of a team. Nobody could have achieved this result by itself by we all won the trophy as a team. This is a lesson to be carried to other activities of life too. I joined the group to fill in because I was told that the team needed one more people but I found myself having fun and enjoying our practice time. It felt like the grown up version of kids playing. Yes, we are grown ups and we play. And although I did not understand the words of the song, the tune was catching and pleasing and I was getting carried into dancing along by it. At one point during one of our practices the group seemed so harmonious and we seemed to have so much fun playing and dancing all together with the song like grown up kids, and the song seemed so beautiful and innocent that this thought came to my mind: "For sure God is with us". Thanks to all of you for being such nice camarades, and thank you 美肩娘 for asking me to join your team. Thank you 翡怡所思 for your coaching and patience. I wont name you all for fear of leaving someone out. Please know that I appreciated and enjoyed the company of all of you and please forgive me that I say a special thank you to阿想for his amazing sense of camaraderie and friendship. And yes, this is not a good bye, but a see you next time. (王子) The video and all the pictures and the memory in our mind would be a source of joy for a long time. I feel blessed to have the all of your company, and the rekindled sense of comrade makes all of us FOREVER YOUNG! (阿想) My heart is moved by all of your thankful 感性 emails. I feel so thankful to be a member of this lovely Little Apple team. We all had passion and put up hard working hours (many times over 11:30pm) during the last three months. We can all take pride of ourselves that we earn the tittle of "The most Creative Team". 翡怡所思, thank you for your leadership. It is your inspiration to make us all creative together, particularly our 王子. Last but least, we also want to thank 薔薇夏娃s beautiful flowers to every one of us to end a perfect performance.
( 興趣嗜好|運動 ) |