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2010/03/02 03:06:45瀏覽2198|回應1|推薦8

代禱中 , 神勉勵主內同靈要向神求聖靈,因同靈覺得有了聖靈後主對我們的要求標準會提高 而尚未求聖靈 . 主 如此教導:

聖靈是從神而來的神跡 是珍貴的 是外邦人所不知道的 不是信了就有 是信了後祈求的  也不是求了就會有 是時候到 給與掌握在我手上  要求聖靈  聖靈可以使你得著更多的力量  聖靈可以讓你明白道理  聖靈更是進天國的憑據  不會因為得聖靈 我的標準變高 我並沒有設標準 受洗過後 你們都是一樣的  我願你們在信仰道路上 享受我的愛 是自在 喜悅的  因為愛我  你們持守我的道理 遵行我的旨意 你們要在我的愛中 快快樂樂的生活 遵行我的道理 行出我的道來 不要害怕 不要猶豫 儘管求聖靈 你會在其中得著更多的智能   

為生病親人代禱,主 如此安慰教導:

你大姨的事 扮演什麼角色 這問題 無須煩惱 在肉體 你們是親戚 在靈裡亦是一家人 你們當憑著愛心 相親相愛 扶持幫助 為軟弱的人禱告祈求 得著幫助 時時唱詩禱告

在剩下的時間 時刻活在信仰裡 忘卻肉體上的痛 因肉體是短暫的 世上的事也是短暫的 你們當看中的是靈命 在剩下的日子 要將自己的雜質 煉淨 才配得進入永生之門 -----2010.8.19  


你們要永遠仰望神 你們的道路是神所鋪的 不要害怕等待 神的話語不會落空 有時等待是一種操練 有時等待是讓自己信心的成長 等待是為了未來準備 不要害怕等待 你們並不孤單 我一直與你們同在 不要害怕 你們該喜樂 因為有我與你們同在 看顧你們 ---2010.7.02

在代禱中主耶穌勉勵來真耶穌教會慕道二年的慕道者 :

軟弱中要學會剛強 那剛強是從我而來 要倚靠我 倚靠自己是沒有辦法的 只會越來越沉淪

不要說死 那死是你們無法承受的 是無底深淵 你們現在沒法體會 那是之後的審判 是讓你們無法安息 極其大的痛苦

我是愛你們每個人 給了每個人機會 你們有自由意志去選擇信仰 如果福音讓你聽到 卻不信 把他丟在一旁 我怎麼去勉強你們 如果是這樣 還是屬這世界的 屬這世界的 是最後審判時 要受死罪

受洗了歸入主的名下 我必看顧 不屬我的孩子 就屬這世界

天國的路不好走 我要你們手牽手 肩並肩 相互扶持 一起走在這道路上 走累了 休息時 我依然等著你們 只要你們想起我的話 仰望我 就不會偏離道路 就不會把我遺忘 更不會放棄行走天國路 記住我的話 當你們遇到再大的苦難 只要想到將來在天國 享受我所給你們的一切 那麼跟那無底深淵的煎熬 一切都是值得的

如我願意 一切就會成全 *

Ps * 釋意 : 我們所祈求的如主願意 祂一句話 就可成全一切 如不是祂的旨意 這事就不成         


代禱中 , 主責備主內同靈的話

在主裡怒火與生氣是不宜 我痛恨這事 有什麼事不能用愛來包容呢 何況這樣的事情不值得去爭吵 我不喜悅這樣的事情發生 在主裡總是要相親相愛 你要學會愛 什麼是愛 愛是包容 相信 盼望 忍耐 愛不是物質上的給予 更不是猜忌 紛爭 攻擊 如果這些事情你都有 那跟外邦人沒有什麼不同 我的孩子不該是這樣 你要學習 快快學習 常把愛放在心裡 才能勝過一切 我的恩典才會臨到你 因為你的愛 你的包容我看在眼裡 我的祝福必會賜給我的孩子 用心去思想我的話 不要讓我難過     

代禱中 , 主看顧主內同靈的話

我的孩子 都可以領受從我而來的話 無論從聖經或我給你們的話 每個孩子也會遇到撒旦的攻擊 無論何時 都要小心儆醒 雖然我的孩子 正面遇到撒旦攻擊 我必會看顧 我必會看顧 2010.3.6      

代禱中 , 主耶穌勉勵 信仰軟弱同靈的話

有時遇到問題 是要考驗你的信心 是否因為一些事 而遠離我 我愛我的孩子 你們如有做錯事 我會不原諒嗎 我不願看到你們沉淪 你心裡難受時 就跪下來禱告 多多的禱告 與 讀經 讓信仰扎根 才能成為有用的僕人 才能去傳揚福音 不要忘記 你們的路是我修直 鋪平 我在你們前頭 帶領你們 不要害怕 有我在前頭帶領 無論何事都倚靠我 --2010.4.18  

代禱中 , 主責備在真教會網站上混亂真理的人

他犯了錯 沒悔改認錯 撒旦進入他內心 攻擊教會 只要他願意悔改認錯 哪個父不接受呢 要他禱告讀聖經 誠心 認錯悔改 做個安靜的人

這件事 主自有祂的審判處置

是祂的孩子 能查明什麼是真理 這個人 他不知道 自己在做什麼說什麼 審判會來 只是現在看不到 在末世 這樣的事本會發生 撒旦的作工 你們當持守真道 多讀聖經 多禱告 明白道理 才能抵抗撒旦的攻擊 ---2010.5.16

代禱中 , 主責備主內同靈的話


體諒 如果沒有學會 必要一直學習 我說過 天國的路不好走 我要你們成為完全的 如果學不會的 必要再學 要學會交託 才有安靜的心 你的軟弱我知道 但我不願縱容 你要好 還要更好 恨與惡只有撒旦才有的 不要讓這些進入你心 你總要保守自己 我的教悔是因為愛你 希望你更好 希望你在這些事情上 快快長大 悔改禱告 ---2010.7.25

代禱中 , 主責備主內同靈抱怨的話

神說  祂知道 他有抱怨 但祂知道他內心的苦   但這一切都會過去 他所做的 都看在神的眼裡 所有的諫察 審查都在主 賜福也在主 當走過操練 一切苦難也會走過 你們有的 是我給的 所沒有的 加倍給你們 只是你們現在看不到 將來必看到  我的孩子愛我 我也愛我的孩子 我會永遠與你們同在 

所發生的事 該依靠主 而不是用自己的智慧 難道 這問題 在神的能力 沒法成嗎 不過是連一粒小細沙都微不足嗎

如果有愛 有什麼不能包容的事 這些都是短暫的 我所應許的不會落空 祝福擺在你前頭 凡事不要只是等待 等待沒看到 就抱怨 要看自己的態度 你有沒有努力 積極
























During the intercession, God encouraged the comrades in the Lord to ask God for the Holy Spirit, because the comrades felt that with the Holy Spirit, the Lords standard of requirements for us would be higher, but they have not yet asked for the Holy Spirit. The Lord taught this:

The Holy Spirit is from God. Miracles are precious and what the Gentiles dont know。  Its not that you can get it if you believe it。you will beg after you believe. Its not that you will get it if you ask。There will be a time to give it. Its in my hands. Ask for Holy Spirit .It can make you gain more power. The Holy Spirit can make you understand the truth. The Holy Spirit is the evidence of entering the kingdom of heaven. My standards will not be higher because of the Holy Spirit. I did not set standards. After baptism, you are all the same. Enjoying my love is free and joyful because you love me. Keep my word and do my will. Live happily in my love. Do my word. Do not be afraid.  Do not hesitate.  Pray for the Holy Spirit and you will gain more wisdom in it.

Pray for sick loved ones, the Lord comforts and teaches:

Your aunts business, what role do you play?  No need to worry about it. In the flesh, you are relatives. You are also a family in spirit.You should love each other with love, support and help, pray for the weak, get help, always sing and pray

For the rest of the time, live in faith and forget the pain of the flesh, because the flesh is short-lived, and the things of the world are short-lived.  What you value is spiritual life. In the remaining days, you must purify your impurities before you are worthy of entering the gate of eternal life. -----2010.8.19.

In intercession, God comforts the Spirit Who Waits for God

You should always look to God . Your path is paved by God Dont be afraid to wait for.  Gods word will not fail.  Sometimes waiting is an exercise. Sometimes waiting is for your faith to grow. Waiting is for the future. Dont be afraid to wait. You are not alone. I am always be with you, dont be afraid, you should rejoice because I am with you to watch over you---2010.7.02

In the intercession, the Lord Jesus encouraged the catechumens who came to the True Jesus Church for two years:

Learn to be strong in weakness, that strength comes from me, you have to rely on me, relying on yourself, there is no way, it will only sink more and more

Dont say death, death is something you cant bear, its a bottomless abyss, you cant understand it now, its the judgment that will come later, its a great pain that will make you unable to rest in peace

I love each of you and gave each of you a chance. You have free will to choose your beliefs. If the gospel lets you hear but dont believe it, leave it aside. How can I force you? If so, it is of this world, of this world, is the death penalty at the final judgment

Baptized into the Lords name and I will take care of the children . If you are not my child, but belong to this world

The road to heaven is not easy to walk. I want you to walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and support each other. walk on this road together. When You get tired, I will still wait for you. As long as you think of my words, look up to me, and You will not deviate from the road.You wont forget me. Wont give up walking the road to the kingdom of heaven. Remember my words When you encounter no matter how hard it is, as long as you think about enjoying everything I have given you in the kingdom of heaven in the future, then everything compare to the torment of the bottomless abyss will be worth it

If I want, everything will be done *

Ps * Interpretation: what we pray for is as the Lord wills, His word can do everything, if it is not His will, this will not happen.


In intercession, the words of the Lord rebuking the same spirit in the Lord

Its not appropriate to be angry and angry in the Lord. I hate this. What cant be tolerated with love? Besides, such a thing is not worth arguing about. I dont like it. Always love each other in the Lord You have to learn to love what is love。Love is tolerance, belief, hope, patience, love is not material giving, nor is it jealousy, strife and attack. If you have all these things, you are no different from the Gentiles. My child should not be like this. You have to learn, learn quickly, and always put love in your heart to overcome all. All my grace will come to you because of your love and your tolerance. I see it in my eyes. My blessings will be given to my children. Think of my words with your heart   Dont make me sad.

In intercession, the Lord cares for the words of the same spirit in the Lord

All my children can receive the words that come from me, whether from the Bible or the words I give to you, and every child will also be attacked by Satan. Be careful and watchful at all times. Although my child is attacked by Satan, I will take care of. Will look after 2010.3.6

In intercession, the Lord Jesus exhorts to believe in the words of weak spirits

Sometimes the problem is to test your faith if something keeps you away from me. I love my children . Will I not forgive you if you do something wrong? I dont want to see you sinking down on your knees and praying a lot when you feel bad in your heart. Prayer and reading of the Bible .let the faith be rooted in order to be a useful servant and to preach the gospel. Dont forget that your path is made straight and paved by me. I lead you in front of you. Dont be afraid to have me in front of you. Rely on me in everything--2010.4. 18

In intercession, the Lord rebukes those who confuse the truth on the website of the true church

He made a mistake and did not repent and admit his mistakes. Satan entered his heart and attacked the church. As long as he is willing to repent and admit his mistakes, which father will not accept it? Asking him to pray, read the Bible, sincerely admit his mistakes and repent, and be a quiet person.

The Lord has His own judgment on this matter

It is His child who can find out what the truth is. This person does not know what he is doing or what judgment will come. He just cannot see that in the last days, Things like this will happen,Satans work. You should be held to the truth. Read the Bible more. Only by praying and understanding the truth can we resist the attack of Satan---2010.5.16.

In intercession, the words of the Lord rebuking the same spirit in the Lord

you always love each other

If you don’t learn, you need to keep learning. I said that the road to heaven is not easy. I want you to be perfect. If you can’t learn, you must learn again. You have to learn to commit to have a quiet heart. I know your weakness, but I don’t want to condone you. Its better and better. Hate and evil only Satan has. Dont let these enter your heart. You always have to keep yourself. My teachings are because I love you. I hope you are better.   I hope you grow up quickly on these things, repent and pray 2010.7.25

During the intercession, the Lord rebuked the complaining words of the comrades in the Lord

God said that He knew he had complaints, but He knew the pain in his heart, but it would all pass away. Everything he did was seen in God’s eyes.   All the admonitions and examinations are in the Lord, and the blessings are in the Lord.    When you go through the drill, all the hardships will go through. what you have is what I give and what you dont have doubled for you but you cant see now and in the future you will see. my children love me and I love my children and I will always be with you

What happened should depend on the Lord and not use your own wisdom.  Is this problem in the power of God cant be done but is not even a small grain of sand?

If there is love, there are things that cannot be tolerated. These are all short-lived. My promises will not fail. Blessings are in front of you. Dont just wait for everything. Wait and complain if you dont see it. It depends on your attitude, do you work hard and be positive.

P.S. Copy from church document

Speaking Spiritual Words as Evidence of Receiving the Holy Spirit

1. Receive the Holy Spirit without believing in the Lord

When Paul came to Ephesus, he met some disciples, "asked them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? What baptism? They said it was Johns baptism. Paul said, John did the baptism of repentance and told the people to believe in the one who was coming after him, that is Jesus. When they heard this, they worshiped the Lord Jesus And they were baptized in their names. Paul laid his hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came on them; and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. There were about twelve of them." (Acts 19:1-7). Although the disciples in Ephesus believed in the Lord Jesus, because they received the baptism of repentance, they did not know what the Holy Spirit was, nor did they know how to pray for the Holy Spirit, so no one received the Holy Spirit. Until he was baptized in the name of the Lord for the forgiveness of sins, after praying and praying, he accepted Pauls laying on of hands to pray, spoke in tongues, and asked for the Holy Spirit.

2.You dont get the Holy Spirit by being baptized.

"When the apostles were in Jerusalem, when they heard that the Samaritans had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. When the two men came, they prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit; for the Holy Spirit had not come on any of them. body; and they were baptized only in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then the apostles laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:14-17). The believers in Samaria were baptized in the name of the Lord, but they did not receive the Holy Spirit. They did not receive the Holy Spirit until Peter and John laid hands on their heads. It can be seen that one does not receive the Holy Spirit through baptism.

3. The Holy Spirit does not come from good works

"In Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, the centurion of the Italian camp. He was a pious man. He and his whole family feared God, gave alms to the people, and prayed to God often.  … They said, The centurion Cornelius was a righteous man who feared God and was praised by the whole nation of Judah. He was instructed by a holy angel to invite you to his house and listen to your words. Peter invited them in.  …Peter also And as he was saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who came with Peter were amazed to see that the gift of the Holy Spirit had also been poured out on the Gentiles; for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God Then Paul said, "Who can forbid the baptism of water to these men, who have received the Holy Spirit as we have? Commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ" (Acts 10, verses 1, 2 , 22, 23, 44-48). Cornicopus’ goodness was praised by the whole country, but before Peter came to his house to preach, although he feared God and gave money to the people, he still did not receive the Holy Spirit; it was not until Peter came to his house to preach the salvation of Jesus Christ that he received it Holy Spirit, baptized with other relatives and friends. It can be seen that the Holy Spirit does not come with good works.

4. If you are not zealous in serving the Lord, you will have the Holy Spirit

"Peter said to him: Behold! We have left everything to follow you. What shall we gain?" (Matthew 19:27). From Peters words, it can be seen that the disciples abandoned all zeal for serving the Lord. However, they did not receive the Holy Spirit at that time. Until Jesus ascended to heaven, he said to them: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for what the Father promised, which you have heard me say. John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Apostle Acts 1, verses 4, 5). If the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, they would receive the Holy Spirit at the same time. It can be seen that if you are not zealous in serving the Lord, you will have the Holy Spirit.

5. The apostles used spiritual speaking as evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit

(1) The experience of the apostles on the day of Pentecost

When the day of Pentecost came, the disciples were all together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from heaven, like a mighty wind blowing, and filled the house where they were sitting. And tongues appeared like flames of fire, and they fell apart on each of their heads. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak other languages according to the eloquence given by the Holy Spirit (Modern Chinese translation: speak other languages according to the ability given by the Holy Spirit). ’” (Acts 2:1-5). When the Holy Spirit came for the first time, about 120 disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke another language—the language of the Holy Spirit—spiritual language (the KJV translates it as speaking in tongues).

(2) The experience of Cornelius and others

"While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who came with Peter were astonished to see that the gift of the Holy Spirit had also been poured out on the Gentiles; for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising Great is God" (Acts 10:44-48). Afterwards, Peter went to Jerusalem and also testified about his experiences at Cornelius’ house: “As soon as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came upon them, just as it came upon us. I remembered the Lord’s words that John baptized with water, but You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 11:15, 16). The Holy Spirit fell on the relatives and friends of Cornelius house who heard the word because they heard them speak in tongues (spiritual speech).

(3) The experience of the believers in Ephesus

The believers in Ephesus, upon hearing Pauls testimony, "were baptized in the holy name of the Lord Jesus. Paul laid his hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues (Lu Zhens Chinese translation: rolling their tongues and prophesying. There were about twelve people in total) (Acts XIX, verses 5-6). When the believers in Ephesus received the Holy Spirit, they spoke in tongues and with retroflex—speaking in spiritual language, which shows that Spiritual speech is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit.

※Speaking in spirit is speaking to God, and usually no one can understand it.

"He who speaks in tongues speaks not to men, but to God; for no one hears; yet in spirit he speaks mysteries. . . . If I pray in tongues, it is my spirit I pray; but my understanding has no effect. What then? I will pray with my spirit, and I will pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, and I will sing with my understanding. How can those who do not understand your tongue say amen when you give thanks, since they do not understand your words?" (1 Corinthians 14:2, 14-16). It can be seen that speaking in spiritual words is speaking to God, and usually no one can understand it.

※Spiritual words are interesting, and God will move people to interpret them when necessary.

"It is for the benefit of each man that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit ... enabled one to speak in tongues, and another to interpret in tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:7, 10). It can be seen that spiritual words are interesting, and sometimes someone needs to interpret them.

"Brothers...When you meet together, each one has a psalm, or a teaching, or a revelation, or a tongue, or an interpretation; do everything for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, there must be two , at most three people, and they should take turns to speak, and one person must interpret it; if no one interprets, you should keep silent in the meeting; just speak to yourself and God, and that’s it.” (1 Corinthians 14 verses 26-28). It can be seen that in addition to speaking to God by individuals "praying in spiritual languages", there is also "preaching in tongues" to edify the congregation. At this time, no one can understand the preaching in spiritual languages, and there must be someone who has the gift of "interpretation of tongues" Only when someone translates by the side can the congregation understand and be edified.

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down. "At that time, there were devout Jews who came from all countries in the world and lived in Jerusalem. When the sound was heard, the crowd gathered together, and everyone was puzzled when they heard the disciples speaking in the language of the people. They were amazed and wondered, "Look! Arent these speakers all from Galilee? How do we hear them speak the language of our birth (the dialect of the colony) we were born with? We Parthians... and the Arabs, have heard them speak of the great works of God in our language" (Acts 2:5-11). At Pentecost, Jewish expatriates from fifteen places came back to Jerusalem to observe the festival. God opened their ears and let them hear the voice of the 120 disciples speaking spiritual words when they received the Holy Spirit. Originally, when spiritual words were only spoken to God, No one can understand it, but if God wants to open the ears of pious people, they will be able to hear a language that the listeners can understand, and they will understand that they are talking about God’s great deeds. It can be seen that spiritual words have content and are interesting, and they can be understood by people when necessary.

true jesus church



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2010/05/29 21:54
真耶穌教會信徒 TJC(TrueJesus) 於 2010-06-03 00:41 回覆:


感謝妳特弟的回應. 願天父再次使妳重新得力, 得主耶穌的愛更多.

不知妳是否為真教會信徒, 接受正確洗禮是極重要, 看這里的文章, 有講明.
