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2022/12/31 07:27:05瀏覽241|回應0|推薦0 | |
災禍近了,你是否準備好了 (2022.12.28禱告領受主的話) 以後的災禍更多, 疫情只是開始, 是要給世人警訊, 以為可以結束, 卻不知將來災禍更大, 你們在世界上是苦的, 所以不要像世界上人一樣, 沒有指望 從前災禍離你遙遠,但如今這災禍臨到這世界,無人可以倖免,這災禍離你們有多近,世人只想疫情趕快結束可以照常吃喝宴樂,但你們不要這樣想,更要思想日子近了,今天若使你離開,你是否準備好了. (2022.12.28-29禱告領受主的話) 問:為什麼這災禍同樣臨到信徒 答:因為你們仍活在這世界上,跟世人並無不同,這世界有一天會化為無有,會有新天新地,要使你們知道你們盼望是在天上,指望在於我,不在這地上的.你們不用去想災禍何時結束,這是世界上的人所想的,你們當想,如何能進天國,得著天國產業 問: 請再跟我說些關於指望的事情 答: 世人指望錢財,名利地位,產業豐富,只因內心空虛,心裏不平安. 世人的指望是家道豐富,人可以看到的,肉體可以享受到的,但我真正要給你們的不是這些會毀壞的會離開你的,不是在你閉上眼睛就不再擁有的,而是給你在這世界上我豐富的愛,永遠不離開你的愛,永遠陪伴你的愛,你們指望在乎我,你們當常常互相掰餅,相互交通聯合,一起在靈命中不斷成長,在你們擘餅交通時我必在你們其中,要記住我教誨,世界的路不好走,多有險阻,多有撒旦的攻擊,但你們因著彼此扶持幫助,在我裏面不懼怕, 仰望天上的事情,有天家的盼望. 這是你們要指望的事. 問:會離開我們的是指? 答: 在地上任何的人事物,包含你的親人,若你的親人沒法得救,最後仍沒有辦法進天國,在你閉上眼時,曾經在地上與你有關系的一切人事物都結束了,所以你不是只盼家人在世界上過的好,而是更要盼他們能否進天國這”一件”事情.能成為你的家人,不是突然的,而是跟我的揀選有關,一家中最早得著恩典的=在靈裏剛強者,你們要為我播種把福音的種子種到家人的心裏,並要為我牧養,這是你為家人最重要的工作 問:還有沒有勉勵我們的話 答: 要讓自己靈命剛強,才能扶持家人及屬靈的家人,當軟弱者因著你而剛強起來,大家能相互扶持,才能抵擋掌管世界的撒旦.得勝後才能一起進天國享福樂. 問:為什麼特別說”一起” 答:因為不是只顧念自己,乃要顧念其他的人,要顧念是指靈魂得救,及奔走天國的事 我歡喜你們這樣擘餅,因為當你們擘餅時,我也在其中,你們要常常讀經,禱告,唱詩,聽道理領受靈糧,在靈裏不斷造就自己,同時也要行出公義來,當屬靈的智慧增長,對真理更明白,也要造就別人,使人得到益處,這是我要你們做的 (感謝神的回答) 查經 「正在那時候,地大震動,城倒塌了十分之一;因地震而死的有七千人,其餘的都恐懼,歸榮耀給天上的 神。 第二樣災禍過去了;看哪,第三樣災禍快到了。」 啟示錄 11:13-14 「所以耶和華如此說: 看哪,我籌劃災禍降與這家族; 這災禍在你們頸項上無法解脫, 你們也不能昂首而行, 因為這是災禍的時刻。」 彌迦書 2:3 「願災禍忽然臨到他身上! 願他暗設的網羅纏住自己! 願他落在其中遭災禍!」 詩篇 35:8 「惟聽從我的,必安然居住, 得享寧靜,不怕災禍。」」 箴言 1:33 「我是耶和華,再沒有別的了; 除了我以外再沒有 神。 你雖不認識我, 我必給你束腰。 我造光,又造暗; 施平安,又降災禍; 做成這一切的是我—耶和華。」 以賽亞書 45:5, 7 「所以耶和華如此說:看哪,我必使災禍臨到他們,是他們不能逃脫的。他們向我哀求,我卻不聽。 那時,猶大城鎮的人和耶路撒冷的居民要哀求他們燒香所供奉的神明;只是遭難的時候,這些神明一點也不能拯救他們。」 耶利米書 11:11-12 「「以色列家啊,我待你們豈不能像這陶匠弄泥嗎?以色列家,看哪,泥在陶匠的手中怎樣,你們在我的手中也怎樣。這是耶和華說的。 我何時論到一邦或一國說,要拔出、拆毀、毀壞; 我所說的那一邦若回轉離開他們的惡,我就改變心意,不將我想要施行的災禍降與他們。」 耶利米書 18:6-8 「或者猶大家聽見我想要降給他們的一切災禍,各人就回轉離開惡道,我就赦免他們的罪孽和罪惡。」」 耶利米書 36:3 「「看哪,我造新天新地! 從前的事不再被記念,也不被人放在心上; 當因我所造的歡喜快樂,直到永遠; 看哪,因為我造耶路撒冷為人所喜, 造其中的居民為人所樂。」 以賽亞書 65:17-18 「我又看見一個新天新地,因為先前的天和先前的地已經過去了,海也不再有了。 我又看見聖城,新耶路撒冷由 神那裏,從天而降,預備好了,就如新娘打扮整齊,等候丈夫。」 啟示錄 21:1-2 「「我所造的新天新地在我面前長存, 你們的後裔和你們的名號也必照樣長存。 這是耶和華說的。」 以賽亞書 66:22 「盼望不至於落空,因為 神的愛,已藉着所賜給我們的聖靈,澆灌在我們心裏。」 羅馬書 5:5 「惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死, 神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。」 羅馬書 5:8 「因為我深信,無論是死,是活,是天使,是掌權的,是有權能的,是現在的事,是將來的事, 是高處的,是深處的,是別的受造之物,都不能使我們與 神的愛隔絕,這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裏的。」 羅馬書 8:38-39 「親愛的,既然 神這樣愛我們,我們也要彼此相愛。 從來沒有人見過 神,我們若彼此相愛, 神就住在我們裏面,他的愛在我們裏面得以完滿了。」 約翰一書 4:11-12 「親愛的,我們要彼此相愛,因為愛是從 神來的。凡有愛的都是由 神而生,並且認識 神。 沒有愛的就不認識 神,因為 神就是愛。 神差他獨一的兒子到世上來,使我們藉着他得生命;由此, 神對我們的愛就顯明了。」 約翰一書 4:7-9 「我傳福音原沒有可誇耀的,因為我是不得已的,若不傳福音,我就有禍了。 我若甘心做這事,就有賞賜;若不甘心,責任卻已經託付給我了。」 哥林多前書 9:16-17 「他又對他們說:「你們往普天下去,傳福音給萬民聽。 信而受洗的必然得救,不信的必被定罪。 信的人將有神蹟隨着他們:就是奉我的名趕鬼;說新方言; 手能拿蛇;若喝了甚麼毒物,也不會受害;手按病人,病人就好了。」 馬可福音 16:15-18 「其實並沒有另一個福音,不過有些人騷擾你們,要把基督的福音更改了。 但無論是我們或是天上來的使者,若傳福音給你們,與我們所傳給你們的不同,他該受詛咒!」 加拉太書 1:7-8 「他們得了啟示,知道他們所服事的不是自己,而是你們。那藉着從天上差來的聖靈傳福音給你們的人,現在將這些事傳給你們;這些事連天使也都切望察看呢!」 彼得前書 1:12 「你們當剛強壯膽,不要害怕,也不要畏懼他們,因為耶和華—你的 神必與你同去;他必不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」」 申命記 31:6 「你不要害怕,因為我與你同在; 不要驚惶,因為我是你的 神。 我必堅固你,幫助你, 用我公義的右手扶持你。」 以賽亞書 41:10 「為這緣故,我提醒你要把 神藉着我按手所給你的恩賜再如火挑旺起來。 因為 神賜給我們的不是膽怯的心,而是剛強、仁愛、自制的心。」 提摩太後書 1:6-7 「他們都專注於使徒的教導和彼此的團契,擘餅和祈禱。 他們天天同心合意恆切地在聖殿裏敬拜,且在家中擘餅,存着歡喜坦誠的心用飯,」 使徒行傳 2:42, 46
「保羅說了這話,就拿起餅來,在眾人面前祝謝了 神,然後擘開來吃。」 使徒行傳 27:35 「於是他吩咐眾人坐在草地上,就拿着這五個餅和兩條魚,望着天祝福,擘開餅,遞給門徒,門徒又遞給眾人。」 馬太福音 14:19
尋找附近教會地址 https://tjc.org/zh/find-a-church/ 請更改參數 10Km 搜尋附近教會 The disaster is approaching, are you ready?
(2022.12.28 Pray and receive the words of the Lord) There will be more disasters in the future, and the epidemic is just the beginning. It is to give the world a warning, thinking that it can end, but they don’t know that the disasters will be even greater in the future. You are suffering in the world, so don’t be like the people in the world, without hope In the past, disasters were far away from you, but now this disaster has come to this world, and no one can be spared. How close this disaster is to you, the world only wants the epidemic to end as soon as possible, so that you can eat, drink and feast as usual, but you should not think like this, and you should think that the day is approaching , if I make you leave today, are you ready? (2022.12.28-29 Pray and accept the Lords words).
Question: Why does this disaster also happen to believers? Answer: Because you are still living in this world, and you are no different from the world. One day this world will disappear, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. I want you to know that your hope is in heaven, and your hope is in me, not on this earth. Yes. You don’t have to think about when the disaster will end. This is what people in the world think about. You should think about how you can enter the kingdom of heaven and gain the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. Q: Please tell me a little more about hope Answer: People in the world hope for wealth, fame, status, and wealth, but because their hearts are empty and their hearts are not at peace. People in the world hope for a rich family, something people can see, and the flesh can enjoy, but what I really want to give you is not these What will be destroyed will leave you, not what you will no longer have when you close your eyes, but I will give you my rich love in this world, the love that will never leave you, the love that will always be with you, you expect to care about me , You should often break bread with each other, fellowship with each other, and grow together in your spiritual life. When you break bread and fellowship, I will be among you. Remember my teachings. The road of the world is not easy to walk, there are many dangers and obstacles, and there are many attacks of Satan,but because you support each other and help each other, you are not afraid in me, you look up to the things in heaven, and you have the hope of a heavenly home. This is what you have to hope for. Q: What does it mean to leave us? Answer: Any person or thing on earth, including your relatives, if your relatives cannot be saved and cannot enter the kingdom of heaven in the end, when you close your eyes, all the people and things that have ever been related to you on earth will be over. , so you don’t just hope that your family members will live well in the world, but you also want to look forward to the "one" thing whether they can enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not a sudden thing to become your family member, but it is related to my choice, a family Among the first to receive grace = those who are strong in spirit, you must sow the seeds of the gospel for me and plant the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of your family members, and shepherd for me. This is your most important job for your family Q: Do you have any words of encouragement for us? Answer: Only by making yourself strong spiritually can you support your family and spiritual family members. When the weak are strengthened because of you, everyone can support each other to resist Satan who rules the world. Only after victory can we enter the kingdom of heaven and enjoy happiness together.
Q: Why did you say "together" in particular? Answer: Because you don’t just care about yourself, but you need to care about other people. To care about the salvation of the soul and the going to the kingdom of heaven.
I am glad that you break bread like this, because when you break bread, I am also in it. You should always read the Bible, pray, sing hymns, listen to doctrines and receive spiritual food, continuously edify yourself in the spirit, and at the same time act righteously. Increase your spiritual wisdom, understand the truth better, and edify others to benefit them. This is what I want you to do (thank God for your answer)
bible study "At that very moment there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand died in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified, and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe passed away; and behold, the first Three disasters are coming." Revelation 11:13-14 "Therefore thus says the LORD: Behold, I am planning a calamity upon this house; it is not from your necks, nor can you lift your heads up, for this is the hour of calamity." Micah 2:3 "May misfortune come upon him suddenly! May the snare he has laid for him catch him! May he fall into it and be woe!" Psalm 35:8 "But whoever listens to me will live in safety and find peace, and will not fear evil." Proverbs 1:33 "I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no god but me. Though you do not know me, I will gird you. I have made light, and I have made darkness; It is I, the LORD." Isaiah 45:5, 7 "Therefore thus says the LORD: Behold, I will bring disaster on them, from which they cannot escape. They cry out to me, but I will not listen. Then the towns of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will cry out for the offerings they offer Gods; but in times of trouble, these gods cant save them at all." Jeremiah 11:11-12 ""O house of Israel, shall I not treat you as this potter makes clay? Behold, house of Israel, as the clay is in the potters hand, so are you in my hand, says the LORD. When will I say and say to a nation or a nation, to uproot, to pull down, to destroy; and if that nation which I speak of turns from their wickedness, I will change my mind, and will not bring upon them the evil which I intend to do." Jeremiah 18:6-8 "Or if the house of Judah hears of all the evil that I intend to bring upon them, and each of them turns from his evil way, I will forgive their iniquity and their sin."" Jeremiah 36:3 ""Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth! The former things will be remembered no more, nor taken to heart; rejoice and be glad forever in what I have made; behold, for the joy of Jerusalem I have made , and make its inhabitants a joy to man.” Isaiah 65:17-18 "Again I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth were passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven from God, prepared, adorned as a bride Tidy up and wait for your husband." Revelation 21:1-2 ““As the new heavens and the new earth which I have made stand before me, so shall your offspring and your name endure, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 66:22 "Hope is not in vain, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Romans 5:5 "Gods love was shown to us only in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor things on high nor things in depth nor other created things nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 "Beloved, since God loves us so much, we shall also love one another. No one has ever seen God, and if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is fulfilled in us." 1 John 4:11-12 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God. Whoever has love has been born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, because God is love. God sent him only His Son came into the world, that we might have life through him; and by this Gods love for us was manifested." 1 John 4:7-9 "I have nothing to boast about in preaching the gospel, because I have to. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. If I do it willingly, I will be rewarded; if I am not willing, the responsibility has been entrusted to me. " 1 Corinthians 9:16-17 "And he said to them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to all nations. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Those who believe will have these signs that will follow them: in my name they will cast out demons. ; speak in new tongues; hold snakes in your hands; if you drink any poison, it will not hurt you; lay your hands on the sick, and the sick will be healed." Mark 16:15-18 "There is not another gospel, but there are those who harass you to change the gospel of Christ. But if we or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel different from that which we have preached to you, he shall Cursed!" Galatians 1:7-8 "It was revealed to them that they were not serving them, but you. These things are now being told to you by him who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven; " 1 Peter 1:12 "Be strong and courageous, and do not be afraid, neither do they be in awe of them, for the LORD your God will go with you; he will neither leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 "Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, help you, and uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 "For this reason, I remind you to stir up again the gift of God which has been given to you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:6-7 "They all devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to fellowship with each other, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Day by day they continued with one accord in worship in the temple, and broke bread at home, and ate their meals with joy and sincerity of heart," Acts 2:42, 46
"After Paul had said this, he took bread, and after giving thanks to God before all the people, he broke it and ate it." Acts 27:35 "Then he ordered the people to sit on the grass, took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, blessed them, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowd." Matthew 14:19 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |