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2009/06/06 09:32:30瀏覽441|回應4|推薦4 | |
資深同事的桌前閒話。正聊著起勁,突然從同事的資料夾裡,掉出了一張紙。我由 地上將紙拾起,把紙上的文字讀了,禁不住大笑,直奔copy machine,把它複印下 來。將紙上文字,抄錄於下,以饗讀者。這篇文字,用了古英文語法,如同我們白 話文,加上之乎者也亦矣耶,質樸可愛。若要細讀,則須翻查字典。 THE PLAN In the beginning was The Plan.
(本來只是一個計劃) And then came The Assumptions.
(接著做了種種的假設) And The Assumptions were without form.
(但假設沒有型式) And The Plan was without substance.
(所以計劃就沒有內涵) And the darkness was upon the faces of The Workers.
(因為如此,工人的臉都變綠(黑)了) And they spake among themselves saying, "It is a crock of shit,
and it stinketh." (在他們之間傳著,這簡直像一堆米田共,臭氣難聞) And The Workers went unto their Supervisors and sayeth, " It is a pail of
dung, and none may abide the odor thereof." (工人們就同他們的頭兒說,這是一桶動物的排泄物,沒有人可以忍受它的氣味) And The Supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth, " It is a container
of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it." (他們的頭兒隨後就同經理說,這是一個裝著排泄物的容器,強度高,無人可以忍受) And The Managers went unto their Directors and sayeth, " It is a vessel
of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength." (經理隨後便同他們的上級說,這是一桶肥料,沒人可以忍受的它的強度) And the Directors spake among themselves, saying to one another, "It contains
that which aids plant growth, and it is very powerful." (之後,在這群上級之間就傳著,這個可以幫助植物生長的東西,實在太強了) And the Vice Present went to the Present, saying unto him, "This new plan
will actively promote the growth and vigor of the company, with powerful effects." (副董隨後就同執行長說,新的計劃可以幫助公司有效的成長,如加了肥料的植物般) And the Present looked upon The Plan, and saw that it was good. (執行長看了看這『一桶(統)計劃』,說這真好) And The Plan became Policy.
(這『一桶計劃』之後,就成了執行的政策) |
( 時事評論|兩岸 ) |