Hello, 書生。 I am glad you like the music I picked。I actually have learned something interesting from you. 我不知道Sedaka還有這“心理戰術“哩!我也不知道Carol King 竟是他的G/F. Carol King 這個音樂才女我一直很喜歡的,尤其她的<It's too late> ----- It's too late, baby, now. It's too late. Something inside has died and I can't hide........ hmmmm...... OK, I am going to do this song next. 大家不要來搶喔 ![](http://blog.udn.com/htmlarea/emoticons/e-7.gif) ![](http://blog.udn.com/htmlarea/emoticons/f-12.gif) <Breaking Up Is Hard to Do>也很好聽,但是<Oh, Carol>比較有那種少男懷春那種呆呆的純情樣子。 中秋快樂~~~