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"Stay hungry. Stay foolish" 的原始出處
2011/10/18 14:43:18瀏覽635|回應0|推薦3

今晚十月17日(美西時間)轉台看電視正巧看到全美聯播半小時的 CBS News

記者 Jonh Blackstone 報導 Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 2005 畢業典禮演講對當時畢業生六年後的影響

也順便提到 "Stay hungry. Stay foolish" 的原始出處


Jobs told the students he'd seen the expression on the back of a 1974 magazine called the Whole Earth Catalog.

Stewart Brand, its publisher, wrote the phrase. Today, Brand says he supposes it's "kind of a hippie perspective on things." Five years after the edition came out, Brand was surprised when Jobs asked for an autographed copy. Nobody else ever seemed to notice "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

Jobs was the only reader who ever came forward, says Brand. "There's only one Steve Jobs, you know?"

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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