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作家「努兒荷達畢堤阿貝塔拉」的「 淚要如何自處」 【詩詞類】
2011/11/19 13:15:20瀏覽280|回應1|推薦8
作家部落格訪問筆記: 「努兒荷達畢堤阿貝塔拉」的「 淚要如何自處」【詩詞類】

作家「努兒荷達畢堤阿貝塔拉」的「 淚要如何自處」

出處: 淚要如何自處 - 努兒荷達畢堤阿貝塔拉 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/lights9/5805425#ixzz1e7KU1xdK

This is an interesting poem worth our attention. Several features reflected in the poem give readers a good introduction about the author (poet), the style of writing, and view of the world the poet holds as a human being, and last but not least, what does this "tears" mean.

a) Title of the poem is the first interest point. In the title tears is being personalized and brought into asking a question which is only applicable to a real person that is “how to deal with (it)? In this case, a situation about itself – “tears”. Which “situation?” We will soon find out the answer.

b) The title suggests also that the author is a very creative, imaginative, free spirited person since the author chooses the angle of tears to develop a poem. By now, from the title, readers should already have enough hints that the author is very feministic, a female filled with romantics, emotions, and sensitivity. In other words, a real woman among all women.

c) The style of writing and the development of this poem provides us a key to know the author as a poet. First she personalizes the tears, then this created person comes to a cliff that drops down thousands of meters deep, or to a plain with no boundaries, a very very wide area, or to a field that filled with smokes everywhere. The opening of poem almost takes a reader by surprise, and it becomes breathe taking to reader. A very awesome opening.

d) Now, people may ask why this is important as a key to understand the poet? Very obvious. This “tears” is a symbol of the poet. It represents what she cares for. She cares about her tears or tears in general. It may also represent her inner world, inner emotions. Secondly, tears are small. They could represent small things in life. This may be important for us to remember which is the poet cares for one or all small things! Tear may not significant may not be important to others in this world, but it is to her. Tears are her, she is “tears”. If tears mean feelings, then she is feelings. If tears mean emotions then she is emotions. If tears mean sensitivity, then she is sensitivity. In her world, tears are important, valuable, significant.

e) And, she uses tears to represent herself living in this world we live in. Our world is filled with dangers … such a world to our poet may look like a cliff, a wide, boundless plain, or smoking field. She doesn’t know what to do with herself, which means with her feelings, emotions, her dreams, her relationships…

f) In this poem,“Tears”(she) seems to be helpless. She doesn’t know what she should do or how to deal with it? She has so much treasures in “tears”(her emotions, feelings, sensitivity, …) To collect? Pack it up? Bury? Or pawn it off?

g) Next, we come to the answer of “what situation?” the situation is her love relationships, symbolized in the poem as a puff of love smokes. “The tears”(the author) asks the question how to deal with it? It is because of love relationship, our poet has tears, and consequently, with tears she doesn’t know how to deal with love relationships. At last we come to care about our poet who is (or was) involved with a love relationship. In fact, for that matter, we come to care about “any one" who is or was involved with a love relationship. Love is the only thing “the tears” care about. Love relationship is how the poet views this world, our world. Nothing is more important than love is the view of the world, of our poet. With a meaningful love, the world will make sense. Without a love, this world has no sense, and makes no sense at all.

h) This is not a long poem, but I think it is filled with many pearls.

Nov. 19, 2011 紙聲 (c) 2011, Las Vegas.
J) additional notes : I received a correspondence from the poet last night, that really made the reading of this poem even more interesting. The poet said and I quote, "In this world, human beings are *always* feministic, helpless." Since it's declared by the poet, then the "tears" actually represents the whole human race. Her creativity is demonstrated by using "tears" to encapsulate humanity, a proper analogy I might add.

K) then to me, this is fascinating that we have at least two ways to read, understand, and appreciate this poem. way 1 is that you can read it as an individual person, putting yourself in as the "tears". way 2 is to apply human race to the definition of "tears", and read it again. the second way gives reader much boarder sense of humanity.

11月20日初稿。紙聲于拉斯維加斯 (C) 2011 紙聲. 版權所有,侵犯必究
1st DRAFT﹐Nov。20﹐ Las Vegas, Nevada (C) 2011 Pagesound, All Rights Reserved. Violators will be pursued to the full extent of the law.
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Thanks ! Pagesound !
2011/11/19 15:35

Oh , My God !  Pagesound ! You are so talented to talk about my poetry ...

That's made me more tears...ha smile... in the world, human been are always

feministic and helpless...Anyhow , Thanks a lot !