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作家「長沙遺老」, 詩作:「不一樣的聲音」【詩詞類】
2011/11/11 06:04:01瀏覽233|回應0|推薦9
作家部落格訪問筆記: 作家「長沙遺老」, 詩作「不一樣的聲音」【詩詞類】

作家「長沙遺老」, 詩作:「不一樣的聲音」

出處:不一樣的聲音 - 長沙遺老的部落格 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/pzls16jackson/5805233#reply_list#ixzz1dLGqNSiJ


On the poem:
The feature of this poem is on the first four lines, presenting an amplified effect of the "sound", the "different sounds", that is. This arrangement itself immediately grabs all attentions from any visiting reader who, is hooked now, and can't do nothing else but keep finding out what comes next...

at the end, the last line echoes the "different sounds" in the beginning without leaving any trace of artificial effort which brings a perfect closing to complete the circle end-to-end beautifully.

People may wonder why this particular design will attract so much attention? usually in an setting like this, if a theme, or a point is repeated in the similar fashion, means emphasis. Three times, means significant, highly emphasized, calling for attention. but four times, without breaking poetic set-up while doing it, that's what you call skills! that's what control is all about. In the meantime the reader doesn't feel boring about it at all or repetitively redundant, wasteful. The poet builds it up from layer 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, then to the highest, layer 4 while giving you very rich enjoyment of watching him pairing up a variety of sounds.

In fact, the writer actually made it to the layer 5 by the end of the poem. And yet, it's not even a long poem. It is a very good poem, with a meaning for all of us to search our souls.

-- Ps. 11.8.2011, Colorado Springs.
-- re-edited a bit 4 hours later.

出處: 不一樣的聲音 - 長沙遺老的部落格 - udn部落格

11月8日初稿。紙聲 (C) 2011 紙聲. 版權所有,侵犯必究
1st DRAFT﹐Nov。8﹐ Colorado Springs (C) 2011 Pagesound, All Rights Reserved. Violators will be pursued to the full extent of the law.
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