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澳洲歌姬〔海倫.芮迪〕──美國榜冠軍──流行經典──〔Delta Dawn/三角洲的黎明〕
2013/12/13 00:03:18瀏覽317|回應0|推薦1

澳洲歌姬〔海倫.芮迪〕──美國榜冠軍──流行經典──〔Delta Dawn/三角洲的黎明〕 

Songwriters: Harvey, Alex / Collins, Larry

Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did i hear you say he was a meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky-eye
Shes 41 and her daddy still calls her baby
All the folks round brownsville say shes crazy
Cause she walks downtown with her suitcase in her hand
Lookin for a mysterious dark haired man
In her younger days they called her delta dawn
Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on
When a man of low degree stood by her side
Promised her hed take her for his bride
Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did i hear you say he was a meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky -eye
Delta dawn whats that flower you have on
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by
And did i hear you say he was meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky eye
Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did i hear you say he was a meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky eye
Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did i hear you say he was a meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky eye
Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did i hear you say he was a meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky eye


1973年6月 以女性主義經典〔I Am Woman〕紅遍全球的澳洲當紅藝人海倫.芮迪(Helen Reddy)發行〔Long Hard Climb〕大碟

打入專輯榜#8 成為她另一張百萬金唱片

首支主打是〔Delta Dawn/三角洲黎明〕

這是前Rockabilly 童星Larry Collins與詞曲家Alexander Harvey共同譜寫

原先收在後者1971年發行的同名製專輯中(Alexander Harvey是當時為海倫演唱會唱開場的歌手)


1972年春天 13歲半的美國少女鄉村偶爾Tanya Tucker翻唱此曲出道

打入鄉村榜#6(流行榜#72) 讓她一舉成名

1973年 在被歌壇天后芭芭拉史翠珊拒絕後

製作人Tom Catalano將〔Delta Dawn〕帶給芮迪灌錄

當時在同志浴場闖出名號的藝人貝蒂蜜勒準備進軍樂壇 也翻唱此曲 收在首張大碟中


但海倫的版本提前兩天推出 只好作罷

芮迪版走成人流行曲風 歌曲循序漸進帶向高潮

Delta Dawn〕受到廣大歡迎 登上流行榜后座 成為海倫第二首冠軍  並成為百萬金唱片

此曲也是32歲的芮迪首度在Easy Listening/成人抒情榜稱霸

接下來她創下連續六首歌曲在此封后紀錄 奠定她抒情天后的地位


在澳洲 〔Delta Dawn〕亦是芮迪在故鄉封后的冠軍曲

另外加拿大 紐西蘭都是冠軍












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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