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老鷹團員〔葛連佛萊〕──女性主義電影經典〔末路狂花〕主題曲──流行搖滾佳作──〔Part Of Me, Part Of You〕
2009/06/13 22:53:44瀏覽277|回應0|推薦1


老鷹團員〔葛倫佛萊〕──女性主義電影經典〔末路狂花〕主題曲──流行搖滾佳作--〔Part Of Me, Part Of You




Part Of Me, Part Of You

I felt it when the sun came up this morning
I knew I could not wait another day
Darling, there is something I must tell you
A distant voice is calling me away

Until we find a bridge across forever
Until this grand illusion brings us home
You and I will always be together
From this day on you`ll never walk alone

You`re a part of me, I`m a part of you
Wherever we may travel
Whatever we go through
Whatever time may take away
It cannot change the way we feel today
So hold me close and say you feel it too
You`re a part of me, and I`m a part of you

I can hear it when I stand beside the river
I can see it when I look up in the sky
I can feel it when I hear that lonesome highway
So many miles to go before I die

We can never know about tomorrow
Still we have to choose which way to go
You and I are standing at the crossroads
Darling, there is one thing you should know....

You`re a part of me, I`m a part of you
Wherever we may travel
Whatever we go through
Whatever time may take away
It cannot change the way we feel today
So hold me close and say you feel it too
You`re part of me, and I`m a part of you

I look at you your whole life stands before you
I look at me and I`m running out of time
Time has brought us here to share these moments
To look for something we may never find
Until we find a bridge across forever
Until this grand illusion brings us home
You and I will always be together
From this day on you`ll never walk alone

You`re a part of me, I`m a part of you
Wherever we may travel
Whatever we go through
Whatever time may take away
It cannot change the way we feel today
So hold me close and say you feel it too
You`re a part of me, and I`m a part of you






1948年出生於底特律的葛連佛萊(Glenn Frey)是美國著名的歌手/樂手/詞曲作者

1970年他與Don Henry, Joe Walsh, timothy B. Schmit成立鄉村搖滾樂團老鷹(the Eagles


1976年的精選輯還是美國本土最暢銷的專輯 總共賣了2900萬張 超過Michael Jackson的〔Thriller

1980年老鷹解散後 Glenn Frey也展開單飛事業

唱出了〔The Heat Is On〕(US#2)〔You Belong To The City〕(US#2)等名曲


1991年春天 Glenn為蘇珊莎蘭登與吉娜黛維絲主演的馬路電影〔Thelma & Louise/末路狂花〕演唱了主題曲〔Part Of You, Part Of Me

故事描述兩個被生活與男人煩擾的好友打算放鬆一下 來趟週末之旅

Thelma(吉娜黛維絲)在酒吧遇到一個男人 後者企圖強暴她



最後在美國警方的追緝下 兩個女人選擇將車子開下大峽谷 結束了自己的性命


〔末路狂花〕發行後 叫好叫座 隔年提名包括奧斯卡最佳等導演六個獎項(蘇珊莎蘭登與吉娜黛維絲皆獲道女主角提名)




結果讓他受到眾多矚目 沒多久他就紅了

據聞瑪丹娜也曾是Thelma的後選人 只是最後給了吉娜黛維絲 


Part Of You, Part Of Me〕是首輕快的流行搖滾(後來也收錄在他1992年夏天發行得第四張個人大碟〔Stranger Weather〕)


此曲拿下美國流行榜#55 成人抒情榜#7 主流搖滾榜#9

雖然成績沒特別出色 不過〔Part Of You, Part Of Me〕卻是首相當動聽的歌曲

也能捕捉〔Thelma & Louise/末路狂花〕的影片精神



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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