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英國新浪漫流行團體〔布里斯〕──浪漫情歌經典──〔How Can I Fall〕
2009/09/12 01:48:46瀏覽149|回應0|推薦1


英國新浪漫流行團體──〔布里斯/Breathe〕──浪漫情歌經典──〔How Can I Fall〕



Give me time to care, the moments here for us to share
Still my heart is not always there
What more can I say to you
Could I lie to you, Im just too weak to face the truth
Now I know I should make a move
What more can I say
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons
When you just wont give me reasons at all




When all faith is gone, I fight myself to carry on
Yet I know of the harm I do, what more can I say to you
Now I hold this line, I know the choice to leave is mine
I cant help what I feel inside
What more can I say
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons
When you just wont give me reasons at all



Ill follow through, Ill see I do
When the time is more right for you
Ill make that move, and when I do
Will I doubt again, the way I do
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons at all
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons
When you just wont give me reasons
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons
When you just wont give me reasons
Just wont give me reasons
Just wont give me reasons at all
How can I fall, I fall, I fall
How can I fall for you
How can I fall, how can I fall
When you just wont give me reasons
When you just wont give me reasons

在美國亞軍單曲〔Hands To Heaven 〕(英國#4)後

在1988年底推出〔All That Jazz〕大碟第二主打(英國第三主打)〔How Can I Fall ?

這又是一首編曲華麗 纏綿悱惻 浪漫多情的抒情精品

在主唱濃烈白人靈魂味的詮釋下 詮釋出這首流行佳構

此曲登上美國流行榜#3 成人抒情榜冠軍 表現相當出色


How Can I Fall ?〕推出後也被不少藝人翻唱(譬如日本天后松田聖子)











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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