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英國舞曲天團〔寵物店男孩〕與美國迪斯可團體〔村民〕的交集─亞軍同志經典─浩瀚雄渾的老歌重唱〔Go West〕
2009/09/13 17:53:14瀏覽168|回應0|推薦1

英國舞曲天團〔寵物店男孩〕與美國迪斯可團體〔村民/Village People〕的交集──亞軍同志經典──浩瀚雄渾的老歌重唱〔Go West

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(Together) We will go our way
(Together) We will leave someday
(Together) Your hand in my hands
(Together) We will make our plans

(Together) We will fly so high
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
(Together) We will start life new
(Together) This is what well do

(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what were gonna do

(Go West, this is what were gonna do, Go West)

(Together) We will love the beach
(Together) We will learn and teach
(Together) Change our pace of life
(Together) We will work and strive

(I love you) I know you love me
(I want you) How could I disagree?
(So thats why) I make no protest
(When you say) You will do the rest

(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Baby you and me
(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)

(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will do just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) this is what were gonna do

There where the air is free
Well be (Well be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)
Now if we make a stand (Aah)
Well find (Well find) our promised land (Aah)

(I know that) There are many ways
(To live there) In the sun or shade
(Together) We will find a place
(To settle) Where theres so much space

(Without rush) And the pace back east
(The hustling) Rustling just to feed
(I know Im) Ready to leave too
(So thats what) We are gonna do

(What were gonna do is
Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) There in the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what were gonna do

(Life is peaceful there)
Go West (In the open air)
Go West (Baby, you and me)
Go West (This is our destiny)

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will feel just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what were gonna do

(Come on, come on, come on)
(Go West)

(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Gimme a feelin)
(Gimme a feelin)
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin)
(Gimme a feelin)
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin)
(Gimme a feelin)





英國電子流行雙人組寵物店男孩(Pet Shop Boys)自1985年以〔West End Girl〕走紅後

便成為舞曲界天團 不斷推出許多傑作

作品也頗受同志喜愛(NeilChris皆是同志 但兩人並非情人關係)
1993年秋天 寵物店男孩推出被許多人譽為是他們最佳的作品〔Very〕專輯

在春天發行的首發單曲〔Can You Forgive Her?〕先拿下英國榜#7

第二主打則是9月發行的〔Go West
這是1977年美國男子迪斯可團體Village People在英國拿到#15的名曲

Go West’本來是19世紀美國拓荒者的口號

不過Village People是個同志象徵意味的團體

在他們的歌曲中 〔Go West〕其實是暗示往西到同志解放運動的的烏托邦──舊金山去

結合了討好的旋律 華麗的電子編曲
此外 配上海浪與海鷗的叫聲 給人一種浩瀚的感覺 相當有空間感
跟原作比起來 個人覺得寵物店男孩的版本更加出色



Go West〕真正引起我注意的是那有力的男聲合音(這也是此曲的精華)
那種雄渾的男聲跟軍歌一樣 似乎可以讓聽者全身熱血沸騰
喚出人們心中的生命力 讓人對未來充滿希望

據主唱 Neil Tennant說 這是來自百老匯音樂劇〔南太平洋/South Pacific〕中歌曲〔There Is Nothing Like A Dame/沒有什麼像女人〕
此曲在歐洲相當暢銷 拿到英國亞軍 德國冠軍 法國&瑞典&瑞士&奧地利亞軍 荷蘭#5 澳洲#10 紐西蘭#46 

美國方面並沒打進流行榜 但登上舞廳播放冠軍 舞曲銷售#25

Go West〕推出後便成為寵物店男孩演唱會的習慣壓軸


〔Go West〕的MV以蘇聯為主題
譬如紅星 紅旗 紅場 連美國自由女神像都染成赤色
拍得相當科幻且具有未來感  裡面並採用許多電腦特效







Extended MV







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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