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美國全才藝人〔貝蒂米勒〕──波斯灣戰爭經典──抒情極品──〔From A Distance/來自遠方〕
2009/09/25 01:10:22瀏覽350|回應0|推薦1


美國全才藝人〔貝蒂米勒〕──波斯灣戰爭經典──抒情極品──〔From A Distance/來自遠方〕

From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.

From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
Its the voice of hope, its the voice of peace,
its the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease,
no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
Theyre the songs of every man.
God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend,
even though we are at war.
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
And its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves,
its the heart of every man.

Its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves.
This is the song of every man.
And God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us from a distance.
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching.
God is watching us from a distance

貝蒂米勒(Bette Midler,舊譯貝蒂蜜勒&貝蒂密勒)是美國演藝圈公認的全才藝人


但在電影 電視 舞台 歌唱等範疇都交出亮眼的成績
她拿過葛萊美獎 艾美獎 東尼獎 附帶奧斯卡

1990年9月 貝蒂推出7年來第一張錄音室專輯〔Some Peoples Lives〕(她兩年前發行〔Beaches 但是電影原聲帶)
專輯首支單曲為〔From A Distance/來自遠方〕

這是詞曲家Julie Gold1985年的作品

內容為祈禱希望與和平 詞意感人

1987年先被美國民謠歌手南西葛里芬(Nancy Griffith

接著搖滾樂團The Byrds也灌錄〔From A Distance/來自遠方〕 收在他們1990年發行的盒裝唱片


結果歌名或詞意均十分符合送給遠離家鄉軍人的〔From A Distance〕立刻成為電台點播熱門曲
此曲在美國流行榜得到亞軍 銷售破百萬 成為一首白金單曲


國際市場方面 則是英國#6 澳洲#8

同年英國貓王克里夫理察(Cliff Richard)立即翻唱此曲 拿到UK#11

2006年 貝蒂在她的聖誕專輯〔Cool Yule〕再度詮釋這首經典



1991年 From A Distance〕獲得葛萊美獎三項提名
拿下"年度歌曲" 大獎(作者Julie Gold


美國軍隊頒給它一個‘Minute Man Award

美國國防部則頒給它一個‘7印獎/Seven Seals Award
我想〔From A Distance〕的受到歡迎除了本身是一首不錯的歌曲外

跟其推出的天時 地利 人和應該也有很大的關係吧

From A Distance〕雖然是首優美的抒情佳作 但我一開始並沒特別青睞










( 休閒生活音樂 )
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