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紅髮甜姐兒〔貝琳達卡萊兒〕&奧斯卡女主角〔黛安基頓〕&瑪丹娜舊愛〔東尼華德〕的合作─〔I Get Weak〕
2009/09/29 02:38:03瀏覽288|回應0|推薦1


紅髮甜姐兒〔貝琳達卡萊兒〕&奧斯卡女主角〔黛安基頓〕&瑪丹娜舊愛〔東尼華德〕的合作──美國亞軍──甜美的〔I Get Weak



When Im with you
I shake inside

My hearts all tangled up
My tongue is tied its crazy

Cant walk, cant talk, cant eat, cant sleep
Oh, Im in love, oh Im in deep cuz baby

With a kiss you can strip me defenseless
With a touch I completely lose control
Til all thats left of my strength is a memory, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak

Convincing eyes, persuasive lips
The helpless heart just cant resist their power

You know youve got a hold over me
You know youve got me where I want to be cuz lover

Like a wave you keep pulling me under
How Ill ever get out of this I dont know
I just know theres just no way to fight it, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
Im in deep when I look in your eyes
I get weak I get weak I get weak

Just a kiss you can strip me defenseless
Just a touch I completely lose control
Til all thats left of my strength is a memory, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
Im in deep when I look in your eyes
I get weak I get weak I get weak


繼首支成功的英美冠軍曲〔Heaven Is A Place On Earth/人間天堂〕後
1988年2月 The Go Gos主唱貝琳達卡萊兒(Belinda Carlisle)推出〔Heaven On Earth〕大碟第二首主打〔I Get Weak
這是詞曲女王黛安華倫(Diane Warren 的作品
I Get Weak〕是首旋律討好 編曲細緻的ACPower Pop
在輕快搖曳的中板節奏中 貝琳達用著她略為颤抖的嗓音演繹出這曲迷人樂章
跟卡萊兒大部份的歌曲一樣 主唱與合聲的搭配傑出

此曲在美國流行榜得到亞軍 成人抒情榜#9

英國#10 加拿大#4 愛爾蘭#5 義大利#11 澳洲#34




跟〔Heaven Is A Place On Earth/人間天堂〕一樣
仍由奧斯卡女主角黛安基頓 Diane Keaton)執導

貝琳達是其中的一位 夾雜在那群女子之中

不過後來她卻出乎意料 穿越銀幕


並與她合作情色MV Justify My Love 的東尼華德(Tony Ward,1961
貝琳達的歌曲中 〔I Get Weak〕跟另一首〔Leave A Light On〕是個人比較偏愛的兩首




MV Live Version



1988 Live




2013 Live



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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