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黑人歌姬〔娜妲莉高〕──成人抒情冠軍經典──想你想到發瘋的〔Miss You Like Crazy〕
2009/09/29 15:55:51瀏覽365|回應0|推薦1



黑人歌姬〔娜妲莉高〕──成人抒情冠軍經典──想你想到發瘋的〔Miss You Like Crazy


Even though its been so long

My love for you keeps going strong
I remember the things that we used to do
A kiss in the rain til the sun shine through
I try to deny it but Im still in love with you
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
Ever since you went away, every hour of every day
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
No matter what I say or do
Theres just no getting over you
I can see the love shining in your eyes
And it comes as such a sweet surprise
If seeings believing its worth the wait
So hold me and tell me its not too late
Were so good together, were starting forever now
I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
Ever since you went away, every hour of every day
I miss you like crazy, I miss you baby
A love like ours will never end,
Just touch me and were there again
Just one night
And well have that magic feeling like we used to do
Hold on tight
And whatever comes our way were gonna make it through
If seeings believing its worth the wait
So hold me and tell me its not too late
Were so good together, were starting forever now
And I miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy
No matter what I say or do
Theres just no getting over you
And I miss you, baby, I miss you, baby
All the chance of love you gave me
When a feeling gets this strong
You know the real thing comes along
And I miss you I miss you like crazy baby
Only your sweet love can save me
I miss you like crazy
A love like ours will never end
Just touch me and were there again
Miss you like crazy, I miss you like crazy.

娜妲莉高(Natalie Cole)是著名黑人傳奇歌手納京高(Nat King Cole)的女兒

1975年成名  成為樂壇紅星


1989年春天 39歲的娜妲莉在克服了藥物與情感問題後
推出重返歌壇的〔Good To Be Back〕大碟
這張專輯走的是Contemporary R&B, 成人抒情樂風

首支單曲為抒情佳作〔Miss You Like Crazy/思念欲狂〕

此曲作者是Michael Masser(曾為黑人天后惠妮休斯頓/Whitney Houston寫過〔You Give Good Love〕〔Didn’t We Almost Have It All〕等冠軍名曲)
Masser將這首流行化的歌曲拿給娜妲莉時 她有點猶豫
不過在經過 Masser的勸說後 高還是灌錄了

Miss You Like Crazy〕是首旋律非常優美的抒情歌曲
結果〔Miss You Like Crazy〕登上美國流行榜也獲得 #7

黑人榜 成人抒情榜 銷售並破金唱片

另外〔Miss You Like Crazy〕也成為娜妲莉在英國最成功的歌曲 拿下單曲榜亞軍


連帶讓Good To Be Back登上UK#10 成為高唯一一張打入不列顛Top10的大碟 

即使十多年後欣賞還是覺得一樣動聽  難怪會成為經典




1989 Live


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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