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美豔搖滾歌手〔麗塔福特〕──流行金屬代表作──充滿爆發力的〔Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我!〕
2009/09/30 02:31:08瀏覽485|回應0|推薦1


美豔搖滾歌手〔麗塔福特〕──流行金屬代表作──充滿爆發力的〔Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我!〕

I went to a party last Saturday night
I didn't get laid, I got in a fight,
Uh, huh
It ain't no big thing

Late for my job and the traffic was bad
Had to borrow ten bucks from my old man,
Uh, huh
It ain't no big thing

I went to a party last Saturday night
I told you that story, I'd be alright
Uh, huh
It ain't no big thing

But I know what I like
I know I like dancin' with you
And I know what you like
I know you like dancin' with me
Yeah, yeah

Kiss me once
Kiss me twice
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly

Had a few beers, gettin' high
Sittin', watchin' the time go by,
Uh, huh
It ain't no big thing

Nothin' to eat and no TV
Lookin' in the mirror don't get it for me
Uh, huh
It ain't no big thing

But I know what I like
I know I like dancin' with you
And I know what you like
I know you like dancin' with me
Oh, yeah

Kiss me once
Kiss me twice
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly

Kiss me once
Kiss me twice
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly

You know I like dancin' with you
Dancin' with you

Kiss me once
Kiss me twice
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly

Kiss me once
Kiss me twice
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me
C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly




身材火辣 長相美豔的麗塔福特(Lita Ford是其中例外

麗塔在80年代末期以討巧的流行金屬樂風 性感野女郎的形象走紅一時(雖然這也是她較被人批評之處)




1975年歲參加當時罕見的全女子硬式搖滾樂團Runaways  與瓊潔特(Joan Jett)成為同事

1979年Runaways解散後 麗塔展開個人事業

自1983年起發行了兩張的專輯(另外還有一張沒有推出) 但反應平平

1988年2月 麗塔推出同名大碟〔Lita

這張走的是當時流行的Arena RockPop-Metal

首支主打為〔Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我〕得到首支暢銷曲

這首流行重金屬旋律討好 節奏急速
Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我〕推出後受到歡迎

拿下美國流行榜升到#12(主流搖滾榜是#40) 英國#75

連帶也讓專輯銷售突飛猛進 成為白金唱片

MV 中 麗塔一面熱情演唱 一面狂野彈奏吉他

個人雖然不喜歡重金屬 但〔Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我〕卻蠻合我意

重金屬界一向重男輕女 麗塔福特是少數能走紅的女歌手

這首〔Kiss Me Deadly〕就是她成名因素的縮影

推薦給各位 就算你不喜歡重金屬 應該也不會排斥〔Kiss Me Deadly/吻死我〕的





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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