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英國實力偶像〔瑞克艾斯里〕──流行舞曲──輕快討好的〔Together Forever/長相廝守〕
2009/10/19 22:47:01瀏覽305|回應0|推薦1


英國實力偶像〔瑞克艾斯里〕──流行舞曲名作──輕快討好的〔Together Forever/長相廝守〕

If theres anything you need
All you have to do is say
You know you satisfy everything in me
We shouldnt waste a single day

So dont stop me falling
Its destiny calling
A power I just cant deny
Its never changing
Cant you hear me, Im saying
I want you for the rest of my life

Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And dont you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you

If they ever get you down
Theres always something I can do
Because I wouldnt ever
wanna see you frown
Ill always do
whats best for you

There aint no mistaking
Its true love were making
Something to last for all time
Its never changing
Cant you hear me,
Im saying
I want you for the rest of my life


So dont stop me falling
Its destiny calling
A power I just cant deny
Its never changing
Cant you hear me,
Im saying
I want you for the rest of my life


1988年春天 繼世界性暢銷的冠軍曲〔Never Gonna Give You Up/永遠不會放棄妳〕
22歲的英國白人靈魂歌手瑞克艾斯里(Rick Astley)再度推出首張專輯〔Whenever You Need Somebody/當你需要人時〕的第四首單曲〔Together Forever/長相廝守〕

這是一首節奏輕快 旋律討好的歐洲Dance-Pop 典型的SAW80年代公式製作
聽起來跟〔Never Gonna Give You Up〕相當類似(其實這也是SAW的音樂特色)

仗著艾斯里當時的超高人氣 Together Forever〕果然再度暢銷 拿到英國亞軍 也是專輯第四首前三名單曲

美國更受歡迎 成為瑞克第二首流行榜冠軍 成人抒情榜亞軍 舞曲播放冠軍 舞曲銷售#3
國際市場表現依舊不錯 登上歐洲榜冠軍 愛爾蘭冠軍 加拿大亞軍 德國#5 奧地利#10 荷蘭#12 瑞士#14 法國#18
Together Forever〕是一首旋律琅琅上口的流行舞曲名作
個人覺得它的動聽程度不輸〔Never Gonna Give You Up〕(事實上兩首歌曲還真的蠻像的)









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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