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英國歌壇天王[艾爾頓.強]──成人流行抒情曲──[Little Jeannie/小珍妮]
2024/01/16 20:03:00瀏覽181|回應0|推薦5

英國歌壇天王[艾爾頓.強]──成人流行抒情曲──Little Jeannie/小珍妮



Oh, little Jeannie
You got so much love, little Jeannie
And you take it where it strikes
And give it to the likes of me
Oh, little Jeannie
She got so much love, little Jeannie
So I see you when I can
You make me all a man can be

And I want you to be my acrobat
I want you to be my lover
Oh, there were others who would treat you cruel
And, oh Jeannie
You were always someones fool

Little Jeannie
You got so much time, little Jeannie
Though youve grown beyond your years
You still retain the fears of youth
Oh, little Jeannie
You got so much time, little Jeannie
But youre burning it up so fast
Searching for some lasting truth

And I want you to be my acrobat
I want you to be my lover
Oh, there were others who would treat you cruel
But, oh Jeannie
I will always be your fool

And I want you to be my acrobat
I want you to be my lover
Oh, there were others, and Ive known quite a few
But, oh Jeannie
Im still in love with you

You stepped into my life from a bad dream
Making the life that I had, seem
Suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie (oh, Jeannie)
Im so in love with you

You stepped into my life from a bad dream
Making the life that I had, seem
Suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie (oh, Jeannie)
Im so in love with you

You stepped into my life from a bad dream
Making the life that I had, seem
Suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie (oh, Jeannie)
Im so in love with you

You stepped into my life from a bad dream (so in love)
Making the life that I had, seem
Suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie (oh, Jeannie)
Im so in love (Im so in love)

You stepped into my life from a bad dream
Making the life that I had, seem
Suddenly shiny and new
Oh, Jeannie (oh, Jeannie)
Im so in love (Im so in love)




1970年代末期,英國歌壇天王艾爾頓.強(Elton John)聲勢下滑,唱片銷售不佳

1980年5月13日,35歲的強推出第14張原創錄音室大碟〔21 at 33〕(Rocket (UK)/MCA(US)發行)

這是強總數第 21 張專輯(加上精選輯,獻唱專輯…),製作時他33 歲,因此得名。

強負責十首歌譜曲 伯尼陶本(Bernie Taupin)和Gary Osborne各貢獻三首歌詞

由強與Clive Franks製作,獲得好評.


首支主打是5月1日推出的[Little Jeannie/小珍妮

由艾爾頓作曲,Gary Osborne 作詞

強與Clive Franks製作成一首成人流行抒情曲



《Billboard》 評論家,“這首旋律優美的中板抒情曲讓人想起強在1974 年[馴鹿/Caribou]時期的作品中所表現出的完美商業技藝”,並且“一些黃銅喇叭填充構成了約翰傳統聲音的唯一真正更新。」

《Cash Box》 表示「拉丁風味的打擊樂和銅管樂為中板節拍增添了新的令人興奮的維度。」


Little Jeannie登上英國單曲榜#33




加拿大冠軍 金唱片(7.5萬張+)

瑞士#4 紐西蘭#5 澳大利亞#9

比利時#20 德國#23  


單曲的成功讓〔21 at 33〕銷售不錯,一掃上張大碟[Victim of Love]失敗之陰霾

21 at 33登上英國專輯榜#12

美國Billboard專輯榜#13 金唱片(90萬張+)

挪威#6 紐西蘭#3 金唱片(7.5K



西班牙#12 義大利#25 德國#21 荷蘭#41 

法國 金唱片(10萬張+)


Little Jeannie]讓強的事業有相當程度的回升,讓他1980年的音樂事業相對平穩.













( 休閒生活音樂 )
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