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英國白人靈魂唱將〔瑞克艾斯里〕─流行靈魂抒情曲─〔Cry For Help〕
2009/10/19 23:01:16瀏覽158|回應0|推薦1


英國白人靈魂唱將〔瑞克艾斯里〕──流行靈魂抒情曲──〔Cry For Help

(rick astley/rob fisher)

Shes taken my time.
Convince me shes fine.
But when she leaves Im not so sure.
Its always the same.
Shes playing her game.
And when she goes I feel to blame.
Why wont she say she needs me?
I know shes not as strong as she seems.

Why dont I see her cry for help?
Why dont I feel her cry for help?
Why dont I hear her cry for help?

I wandered around
The streets of this town
Trying to find sense of it all.
The rain on my face,
It covers the trace
Of all the tears Id had to waste.
Why must we hide emotions?
Why must we never break down and cry?

All that I need is to cry for help.
Somebody please hear me cry for help.
All I can do is cry for help.

No need to feel ashamed. release the pain. cry for help.

Cry for help is all I need.
All I need is a cry for help.
Cry for help is all I need.
All I need is a cry for help.

Why must we hide emotions?
Why cant we ever break down and cry?
All that I need is to cry for help.
I will be there when you cry for help.
Why dont I hear her cry for help?

All that I need is to cry for help.
Somebody please hear me cry for help.
All I can do is cry for help.

All that I need is to cry for help.
I will be there when you cry for help.
Is it so hard to cry for help?

(cry for help is all I need.) no need to feel ashamed.
(all I need is a cry for help.) come on and release the pain.
(cry for help is all I need.) put your trust in me.
(all I need is a cry for help.) my love is gonna set you free.



1980年代末期以Never Gonna Give You Up/永遠不會放棄妳〕成名的英國紅星瑞克艾斯里(Rick Astley
1991年春天 25歲的瑞克推出〔Free〕大碟

原本以英倫紳士形象著稱的艾斯里不但將頭髮留長 改走頹廢型男風
樂風也捨棄了原來的Pop/Dance 轉向成人抒情與Pop/R&B唱將路線
大碟首支單曲是〔Cry For Help 由瑞克跟Clime Fisher前成員Rob Fisher合寫
在輕柔優美的鋼琴伴奏下 艾斯里展現了他傑出的白人靈魂嗓音
後半段精彩的合聲是請來曾為瑪丹娜(Madonna)〔Like A Prayer/宛若禱者〕合音的Andrae Crouch帶領的福音唱詩班

此曲登上英國榜#7 讓瑞克成為不列顛流行樂史上第一位前八首單曲全打進Top10的男歌手

美國流行榜#7 成人抒情榜冠軍(年終#4)
國際市場也不錯 加拿大#3 愛爾蘭#4 澳洲#13 德國#14 瑞典#17 奧地利#22


儘管反應不錯 〔Cry For Help〕卻也成為艾斯里最後一首英美熱門曲

記得剛聽到Cry For Help〕時並不特別喜歡 直到多年後驀地在收音機聽到此曲

才發現真是一首出色的抒情精品 真是後知後覺











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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