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美國樂壇的吉普賽神秘女郎〔史蒂芙妮克絲〕──華麗流行搖滾傑作──〔Talk To Me/跟我說〕
2010/02/22 16:05:47瀏覽122|回應0|推薦1


美國樂壇的吉普賽神秘女郎〔史蒂芙妮克絲〕──華麗流行搖滾傑作──〔Talk To Me/跟我說〕

I can see were thinkin bout the same things
And I can see your expression when the phone rings
We both know theres something happening here
Well, theres no sense in dancing round the subject
A wound gets worse when its treated with neglect
Dont turn around theres nothing here to fear

You can talk to me
Talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby

Dusty words lying under carpets
Seldom heard well must you keep your secrets
Locked inside hidden safe from view
Well, is it all that hard
Is it all that tough
Well, Ive shown you all my cards now isnt that enough
You can hide your hurt
But, theres something you can do

You can talk to me
Talk to me...talk to me
I can set your secrets free, baby
La, la, la, la...


Though we lay face to face and cheek to cheek
Our voices stray from the common ground where they
could meet
The walls run high, to veil a swelling tear
Oh, let the walls burn down, set your secrets free
You can break their bounds, cause youre safe with me
You can lose your doubt, cause youll find no danger
not here

You can talk to me
Talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby

Oh, I can see you running...I can see you running
I can see you running all the way back home
I can see your expression when the phone rings
And I can see that youre thinkin bout the same things
Is it all that hard
Is it all that tough
Well, youve taken all there is now baby
Isnt that enough
Well, I can see you runnin...I can see you runnin
All the way back

1948年出生於美國鳳凰城的史蒂芙妮克絲(Stevie Nicks是英國超級搖滾團體佛利塢麥克(Fleetwood Mac)的主唱之一
她以神秘迷人的形象 吉普賽女郎似的異國風味打扮 以及低沉扎實卻又沙啞的迷人慵懶嗓音著稱

1974年 她與男友Lindsey Buckingham加入佛利塢麥克


在美國排行榜得到 31 週冠軍  當地銷售高達2000萬張

這是麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)〔Thriller/戰慄〕之前美國稱王最久 以及最賣的大碟
不過Billboard史上最多週冠軍的專輯是電影〔West Side Story/西城故事〕--54)

1981年 她推出個人首張專輯〔Bella Donna〕就獲得美國冠軍 並大賣四百萬張


1983年的第二張大碟〔The Wild Heart〕依舊受歡迎



1985年秋天 37歲的史蒂芙發行第三專輯〔Rock A Little

拿到美國榜#12 仍舊賣出百萬白金佳績

首支單曲為〔Talk To Me/跟我說〕
在鍵盤的豐潤點綴與中板節奏的襯托下 顯得頗有氣勢


此曲在美國流行榜得到#5 主流搖滾榜冠軍 成人抒情榜# 14

加拿大#6 英國#68 澳洲#22 德國#28 紐西蘭#45


不過史蒂芙的聲音比較扎實 , Tiffany的聲音則較軟且沙啞)

MV拍得也頗為出色 史蒂芙算是同期女歌手中較擅長以音樂錄影帶烘托自己的一位

在妮克絲的歌曲中 〔Talk To Me/告訴我〕可能是個人最喜歡的一首





1987 Live


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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