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美國搖滾團體〔REO快車〕與台灣偶像女王〔楊林〕的交集──流行搖滾佳作──〔Take It On The Run〕
2011/06/15 00:47:06瀏覽153|回應0|推薦2

美國搖滾團體〔REO快車〕與台灣偶像女王〔楊林〕的交集──流行搖滾佳作──〔Take It On The Run


Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin around
They say you got a boy friend
Youre out late every weekend
Theyre talkin about you and its bringin me down

But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But Im telling you, babe
That I dont think its true, babe
And even if it is keep this in mind


You take it on the run baby
If thats the way you want it baby
Then I dont want you around
I dont believe it
Not for a minute
Youre under the gun so you take it on the run

Youre thinking up your white lies
Youre putting on your bedroom eyes
You say youre coming home but you wont say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again

{refrain x 3}

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin around




REO快車(REO Speedwagon)是個1967年成立的美國硬式/流行搖滾團體

直到1980年秋天的〔Hi Infidelity〕大碟才成為歌壇一線巨星

在單曲〔Keep On Lovin’ You〕登上美國榜冠軍後

1981年初 REO快車乘勝追擊 推出第二首主打〔Take It On The Run

此曲節奏較促 搖滾味也更濃

發行後仍舊受到歡迎 登上美國流行榜#5 搖滾榜#6 英國榜#19


乍聽之下 卻覺得似曾相識





不知是巧合 還是後者取樣〔Take It On The Run〕之故







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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