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加拿大電子流行樂團〔無帽人〕──輕快可愛的成人童謠──〔Pop Goes The World〕
2012/11/27 01:08:37瀏覽327|回應0|推薦2



加拿大電子流行樂團〔無帽人〕──輕快可愛的成人童謠──Pop Goes The World



Songwriters: DOROSCHUK, IVAN


Johnny played guitar, Jenny played bass.
Name of the band is The Human Race.
Everybody tell me have you heard? Pop goes the world.

Jenny played keyboard, Johnny played drums,
Called Little Baby and a big Bonhomme
Everybody tell me have you heard? Pop Goes The World.

It goes something like this: (p p p pop)

Johnny and Jenny had a crazy dream,
See their pictures in a magazine.
Every little boy needs a girl.
Pop Goes The World.

Jenny and Johnny getting smart (it seems)
Made more money on a movie screen.
Every little nest needs a bird.
Pop Goes The World.

One two three and four is five,
Everybody here is a friend of mine.
Whatever happened to the Duke of Earl?
Pop Goes The World.

Six seven eight and nine is ten,
Send Al Gunn to see the doctor (Ben)
Say what planet are we on? The third!
Pop Goes The World.

And Every time I wonder where the world went wrong,
End up lying on my face going ringy dingy ding dong

And every time I wonder if the world is right,
End up in some disco dancin all night & day.

Johnny played guitar, Jenny played bass,
Name of the band is The Human Race.
Everybody tell me have you heard? Pop Goes The World.

Johnny played guitar, Jenny played bass,
Aint nobody couldnt take their place.
Everybody tell me have you heard? Pop Goes The World....




無帽人(Men Without Hats)是1977年成立於加拿大蒙特婁的新浪潮/電子流行樂團


1983年以〔The Safety Dance/安全舞〕拿到美國榜#3 英國榜#6 加拿大#11在國際走紅

1987年夏天 無帽人推出第三張專輯〔Pop Goes the World

同名單曲是首支主打 10月發行

這是首輕快可愛的電子流行曲 帶點成人童謠的味道


Pop Goes the World〕無帽人第二成功的歌曲 拿到加拿大(金唱片)/瑞典亞軍 奧地利冠軍 美國#20(舞曲榜#27) 紐西蘭#15

此後除了故鄉外 他們就再沒有其它歌曲打入國際了

我曾聽過〔Pop Goes the World〕 雖然對它的討好旋律的特殊的編曲印象深刻




Pop Goes the World〕是首一聽就能留下印象的可愛歌曲







Extended Version


Dance Remix


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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