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美國黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與白雪公主〔壞王后〕的交集──搖滾舞曲經典──〔Mirror Mirror/魔鏡摩鏡〕
2013/03/25 00:40:41瀏覽141|回應0|推薦1



美國黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與白雪公主〔壞王后〕的交集──搖滾舞曲經典──〔Mirror Mirror/魔鏡摩鏡〕



Mirror, mirror on the wall
You said you had the answer to it all
You never told me Id take the fall
Mirror, mirror on the wall

(You) you turned my life
Into a paperback novel
Words that came to life
Inside your little melodrama

(Chapter one)
When I was young
I came to you with my problems
(Chapter two)
You promised me love
And anything that I desired

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror
Mirror on the wall

You, have nailed my heart
Upon the wall for your pleasure
You, have cast a spell
That cannot ever be broken
And now my eyes grow tired
I watch my picture getting older
But I remain the same
Trapped in this mirror forever

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror
Mirror on the wall

I talk to you each night
And I follow your advice
Youve been wrong
Whats the price I have to pay
For this fairy tale thing called love
Let me go

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall

Mirror, mirror

Tell me mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Tell me mirror
Tell me mirror



1980年 炙手可熱的美國黑人天后黛安娜蘿絲(Diana Ross)考慮是否離開待了近20年的老東家摩城唱片(Motown


但要是跳槽 自己只能拿到15萬美元!

恢復自由身後 許多唱片公司與黛安娜接觸 後者選了願給她2000萬美元的RCA

在簽約前 摩城唱片老板 也是黛安娜舊愛的Barry Gordy(兩人育有一私生女)請求她不要離開老東家

蘿絲詢問Barry Gordy是否能像RCA一樣給她2000萬美元

在得到否定的答案後 1981年5月

黛安娜蘿絲與RCA簽下合約 成為當時全球最高唱片簽約金的藝人




1981年10月 37歲的黛安娜發行跳槽後首張大碟〔Why Do Fools Fall in Love/為何傻瓜墜入愛河〕

這是蘿絲事業第一張 也是唯一一張完全個人製作的專

登上排行榜#15 成為她連續第二張百萬白金唱片

同名首支單曲打入前十名 讓她在新東家有了好的開始


1981年底 蘿絲推出大碟第二主打〔Mirror Mirror/魔鏡摩鏡〕

這是一首融合搖滾 舞曲於一身的流行歌曲


一直聽取魔鏡的建議 卻落得被男人拋棄的下場

Mirror Mirror〕頗受歡迎 登上美國流行榜#8 靈魂榜亞軍

(與〔Work That Body〕的混音組曲則在舞曲榜拿到#14)

國際市場方面:英國#36 荷蘭#24 加拿大#29

Mirror Mirror〕是黛安娜蘿絲事業一首經典名曲













( 休閒生活音樂 )
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