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美國神秘搖滾歌姬〔史蒂芙.妮克絲〕──流行搖滾佳作──華麗有力的〔I Can’t Wait/迫不及待〕
2013/04/20 01:47:48瀏覽161|回應0|推薦1



美國神秘搖滾歌姬〔史蒂芙.妮克絲〕──流行搖滾佳作──華麗有力的〔I Can’t Wait/迫不及待〕


Written by Stevie Nicks, R. Nowels, and E. Pressly.

Yes, I know you
Sometime she talks to him
Sometimes when shes only dreaming
Then when she wakes up
Somehow she still believes him

Yes, I know you
Tho weve been out of touch
Yes, I know you
To be continued, its too much baby

I cant wait I cant wait
Well, Ive got to know when I can see you again, now baby
I cant wait I cant wait
Am I wasting my time while you make up your mind
Well, I cant wait I cant wait
Yes, I know you
Tho weve been out of touch
I cant wait I cant wait
What can I do when Im crazy for you

She wonders how many more hours
Her heart will feel broken
In secret she says she needs to see him
But no words are spoken

She dances around in a circle
Well shes got that feeling now
Blame it on something at first sight
Put the blame on me if you want to
To be continued

I cant wait I cant wait
Am I wasting my time while you make up your mind
Well, I cant wait I cant wait
I got to know when I can see you again
Well, I cant wait I cant wait
I cant wait I cant wait
I cant wait I cant wait
How will we feel 20 years from now




1985年秋末 37歲的美國神秘搖滾女將 也是英/美天團的佛利伍麥克(Fleetwood Mac)主唱之一的史蒂芙.妮克絲(Stevie Nicks)發行第三張個人大碟〔Rock a Little/輕搖〕

這張專輯算是她事業的分水嶺 不但首度參與製作

音樂風格也脫離早期較質樸的路線 變得更加精緻 華麗 繁複

不過當時妮克絲染上古柯鹼毒癮 也讓她的聲音變得更為沙啞與喉音更重

登上專輯榜#12 拿下白金唱片 英國金唱片

首支單曲〔Talk To Me〕成為Top5暢銷曲


1986年初 第二主打〔I Can’t Wait/迫不及待〕

此曲由史蒂芙與製作人Rick NowelsEric Pressly譜寫

她跟Rick NowelsJimmy Ivoune製作成一首節奏強勁有力 編曲繁複華麗的流行搖滾


I Can’t Wait〕登上美國單曲榜#16

當時剛好夫妻二人組新鞋子(Nu Shooz)的舞曲〔I Can’t Wait〕正當熱門


此要也拿到搖滾榜#6 舞曲榜#26

另外澳洲是#20 愛爾蘭#29 紐西蘭#39 英國#54 德國#58


















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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