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英國壞男孩天團〔滾石〕重振聲勢之作──美國冠軍經典──融合迪斯可與藍調搖滾的〔Miss You/想念妳〕
2013/11/10 00:05:54瀏覽411|回應0|推薦1

英國壞男孩天團〔滾石〕重振聲勢之作──美國冠軍經典──融合迪斯可與藍調搖滾的〔Miss You/想念妳〕 


Ive been holding out so long
Ive been sleeping all alone
Lord I miss you
Ive been hanging on the phone
Ive been sleeping all alone
I want to kiss you

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh

Well, Ive been haunted in my sleep
Youve been staring in my dreams
Lord I miss you.
Ive been waiting in the hall
Been waiting on your call
When the phone rings
Its just some friends of mine that say,
"Hey, whats the matter man?
Were gonna come around at twelve
With some Puerto Rican girls that are just dyin to meet you
Were gonna bring a case of wine
Hey, lets go mess and fool around
You know, like we used to"

[12" version:]
Youve been strung up for her too long,
You know - girls will come and go -
Theyre just like streetcars...
Ive been staying here too long,
Sometimes I feel so

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah

Oh everybody waits so long
Oh baby why you wait so long
Wont you come on! Come on!

Ive been walking Central Park
Singing after dark
People think Im crazy
Ive been stumbling on my feet
Shuffling through the street
People ask me, "Whats the matter with you boy?"

Sometimes I want to say to myself
Sometimes I say

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh
I wont miss you child

I guess Im lying to myself
Its just you and no one else
Lord I wont miss you child
Youve been blotting out my mind
Fooling on my time
No, I wont miss you, baby, yeah

Lord, I miss you child

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah

Lord, I miss you child

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah

Lord, I miss you child

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah
Aaah Aaah Aaah Aaah


英國天團滾石(The Rolling Stones)在60年代成為世界巨星

進入70年代後 雖然他們仍受歡迎 但唱片銷售與評價卻日漸下滑




1978年6月 滾石(The Rolling Stones)發行〔Some Girls〕大碟

仍由主唱米克傑格(Mick Jagger)與吉他手凱斯.李查斯(Keith Richards)譜寫製作

這回他們改變曲風 在搖滾基礎上融合龐克 新浪潮


廣受好評  拿到滾石雜誌五顆星評價

專輯登上美國冠軍 大賣600萬張 成為他們在美國最暢銷大碟

故鄉英國則拿下亞軍 認證金唱片



首支單曲為5月發行的〔Miss You/想念妳〕 可看作專輯曲風改變的縮影


Miss You〕登上美國單曲榜 成為他們第八首(也是最後一首)冠軍曲 銷售拿到百萬金唱片

這也是滾石首次發行12吋舞曲混音唱片 拿下舞曲榜#6 靈魂榜#33


國際方面:法國/加拿大冠軍 荷蘭亞軍 比利時/愛爾蘭#3 瑞典#6 紐西蘭#8 瑞士/挪威#11 德國#12 奧地利#13 義大利#18

Miss You〕也名列滾石雜誌500首史上最偉大歌曲之一






1978 Live 


Disco Version


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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