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美國搖滾樂團[生存者]──流行搖滾抒情曲──[The Search Is Over/尋覓結束]
2024/07/09 03:03:00瀏覽125|回應0|推薦4

美國搖滾樂團[生存者]──流行搖滾抒情曲──[The Search Is Over/尋覓結束]


How can I convince you
What you see is real?
Who am I to blame you
For doubting what you feel?
I was always reachin
You were just a girl I knew
I took for granted
The friend I had in you

I was living for a dream
Loving for a moment
Taking on the world
That was just my style
Now I look into your eyes
I can see forever
The search is over
You were with me all the while

Can we last forever?
Will we fall apart?
At times, its so confusing
The questions of the heart
You followed me through changes
And patiently youd wait
Til I came to my senses
Through some miracle of fate

I was living for a dream
Loving for a moment
Taking on the world
That was just my style
Now I look into your eyes
I can see forever
The search is over
You were with me all the while

Now the miles stretch out behind me
Loves that I have lost
Broken hearts lie, victims of the game
Then good luck, it finally struck
Like lighting from the blue
Every highways leading me back to you

Now at last, I hold you
Now all is said and done
The search has come full circle
Our destinies are one
So if you ever loved me
Show me that you give a damn
Youll know for certain
The man I really am

I was living for a dream
Loving for a moment
Taking on the world
That was just my style
Then I touched your hand
I could hear you whisper
The search is over
Love was right before my eyes


1984年9月,美國搖滾樂團生存者(Survivor)推出第五張大碟[Vital Signs/生命徵象](Scotti Bros.唱片發行),

這是他們與新主唱 Jimi Jamison首度合作的專輯。

Ron Nevison擔任製作,樂評良好.



[Vital Signs]大碟登上美國告示牌專輯榜#16,拿到白金唱片(100萬張+)(1985年度#65)


銷售提昇不少,一洗上張大碟[Caught in the Game/陷入遊戲中]表現不理想之恥,讓生存者重振聲勢.


第三單曲[The Search Is Over/尋覓結束]於1985年4月發行.

由Jim Peterik, Frankie Sullivan創作,

鍵盤手Jim Peterik說:這與他的生活無關.而是他的一個朋友,這朋友有一個女友——實際上他們是成長過程中的玩伴…直視著他的臉,這就是他命中註定的女孩……

Ron Nevison製作成一首流行搖滾抒情曲,旋律悅耳,主唱演繹感人.


[The Search Is Over]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#4──這是生存者第三首前十名單曲(1985年度#48).


加拿大#21 澳洲#60. 











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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