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美國搖滾樂團[生存者]──流行搖滾曲──[High on You/對你很滿意]
2024/07/09 02:03:00瀏覽115|回應0|推薦3

美國搖滾樂團[生存者]──流行搖滾曲──[High on You/對你很滿意]



There you stood, thatll teach her
To look so good and feel so right
Let me tell you bout the girl I met last night

Its understood, I had to reach her
I let the wheel of fortune spin
I touched your hand before the crowd started crashin in

Now Im higher than a kite
I know Im getting hooked on your love
Talkin to myself, runnin in the heat
Beggin for your touch in the middle of the street

I, I cant stop thinkin bout you, girl
I must be livin in a fantasy world
Im so high on you

Smart and coy, a little crazy
The kind of face that starts a fight
Let me tell you bout the girl I had last night

Piercin eyes, like a raven
You seemed to share my secret sin
We were high before the night started kickin in

Now Im screamin in the night
I know Im getting hooked on your love
Talkin to myself, runnin in the heat
Beggin for your touch in the middle of the street

And I, I cant stop thinkin bout you, girl
I must be livin in a fantasy world
Ive searched the whole world over
To find a heart so true
Such complete intoxication
Im high on you

There you stood, thatll teach her
To look so good and feel so right
Let me tell you bout the girl I met last night

Now Im higher than a kite
I know Im getting hooked on your love
Talkin to myself, runnin in the heat
Beggin for your touch in the middle of the street

And I, I cant stop thinkin about you, girl
I must be livin in a fantasy world
Ive searched the whole world over
To find a heart so true
Such complete intoxication

Im high on you
Im high on you
Im high on you
Im high on you

Im high on you



1984年9月,美國搖滾樂團生存者(Survivor)推出第五張大碟[Vital Signs/生命徵象](Scotti Bros.唱片發行),

這是他們與新主唱 Jimi Jamison首度合作的專輯。

Ron Nevison擔任製作,樂評良好.



[Vital Signs]大碟登上美國告示牌專輯榜#16,拿到白金唱片(100萬張+)(1985年度#65),銷售提昇不少,讓生存者重振聲勢.

瑞士#27 瑞典#48



首支單曲為[I Cant Hold Back/我無法阻止]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#13.

第二單曲[High on You/對你很滿意]1984年在英國,1985年1月在美國發行.

由Jim Peterik, Frankie Sullivan創作,


Ron Nevison製作成一首流行搖滾曲,旋律討好,主唱的詮釋振奮人心.


[High on You/對你很滿意]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#8──這是生存者第二首前十名單曲.


加拿大#35 英國#197 















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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