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美國歌壇巨星[尼爾戴蒙]──軟式搖滾抒情曲──[Love on the Rocks/愛情觸礁]
2024/01/17 04:03:00瀏覽117|回應0|推薦5

美國歌壇巨星[尼爾戴蒙]──軟式搖滾抒情曲──[Love on the Rocks/愛情觸礁




Love on the rocks, aint no surprise
Just pour me a drink, and Ill tell you some lies
Got nothing to lose, so you just sing the blues
All the time

Gave you my heart, gave you my soul
You left me alone here with nothing to hold
Yesterdays gone, now all I want is a smile

At first they say they want you, hear how they really need you
Suddenly you find youre out there walking in a storm
And when they know they have you, then they really have you
Nothing you can do or say, youve got to leave, just get away
We all know the song

You need what you need, you can say what you want
Not much you can do when the feeling is gone
Maybe blue skies above, but its cool
When your loves on the rocks

At first they say they want you, hear how they really need you
Suddenly you find youre out there walking in a storm
And when they know they have you, then they really have you
Nothing you can do or say, youve got to leave, just get away
We all know the song

Love on the rocks, aint no big surprise
Just pour me a drink, and Ill tell you more lies
Yesterdays gone and now all I want is a smile



1980年,39歲的美國歌壇巨星尼爾戴蒙(Neil Diamond)主演音樂劇情電影[The Jazz Singer/爵士歌手



大碟由Bob Gaudio製作,評價良好.

原聲帶登上美國告示牌專輯榜#3(1969年終#22), 取得5白金唱片(500萬張+)

英國榜#3 白金唱片(30萬張+)

加拿大#7 3白金唱片(30萬張+)

荷蘭#6 澳洲#10

南非 2白金唱片(10萬張+)


首支單曲為10月推出的[Love on the Rocks/愛情觸礁

由戴蒙Gilbert Bécaud創作,

尼爾說:它一開始只是“有點小玩意”,是一首“帶有雷鬼色彩”的歌曲,名為“Scotch on the Rocks”


Bob Gaudio製作成一首軟式搖滾抒情曲.



Love on the Rocks登上美國告示牌單曲榜亞軍(1981年終#26),

副榜──Easy Listening榜#3

加拿大#3(1969年終#37) 澳洲#29

加拿大#11 比利時#12 # 英國#17 銀唱片(20萬張+)

瑞士#9 愛爾蘭#10 荷蘭#26 紐西蘭#32


Love on the Rocks]提名金球獎最佳原創歌曲
















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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