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美國演藝天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]──中板流行曲──[Time and Love/時間與愛]
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美國演藝天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]──中板流行曲──[Time and Love/時間與愛]

Winter froze the river,
And winter birds dont sing.
So, winter makes you shiver.
So, time is gonna bring you spring.
So, he swears hell never marry,
Says that cuddles are a curse.

Just tell him plain,
Youre on the next train,
If love dont get there first.
Time and love,

Time and love.
Nothing cures like
Time and love.
Dont let the devil fool you.
Here comes a dove.

Nothing cures like
Time and love.
(Nothing cures like
Time and love.)

Winter froze the river,
And winter birds dont sing.
So, winter makes you shiver.
So, time is gonna bring you spring.
Youve been running,
Youve been rambling,
And you dont know what to do.

A holly golden wager says
That love will see you through.
Time and love, everybody.
Time and love. (Oh, time and love.)
Nothing cures like time and love.
Dont let the devil fool you.
Here comes a dove.

Nothing cures like
Time and love.
(Nothing cures like
Time and love.)
Jesus wasnt angel.

The mankind broke his wing.
But jesus gave his lifeline,
So sacred bell could sing.
Now a woman is a fighter,
Gather white or African.

A woman is a woman, inside,
Has miracles for men at night.
Time and love, everybody.
Time and love. (Oh, time and love.)
Nothing cures like
Time and love.

Dont let the devil fool you.
Here comes a dove.
Nothing cures like time and love.
Nothing cures like time and love.

Nothing cures like time and love.
Love for the man.
If you can, if you please



美國天后歌姬芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)從1963年發行首張專輯後, 雖然廣受歡迎

不過歌曲內容大多為音樂劇曲目 流行經典 古典等曲風,



發行〔What About Today?〕專輯 反應極差 只拿到#31




1971年2月 她推出第12張大碟〔Stoney End〕(Columbia出版) 邀來Richard Perry製作


並有多位女性歌手/詞曲家共襄盛舉 包括瓊妮米雪兒(Joni Mitchell) 卡洛金(Carol King) 蘿拉妮洛(Laure Nyro)等

〔Stoney End〕推出後受到普遍好評



1971年初,芭芭拉.史翠珊推出第二主打[Time and Love/時間與愛]

由Laure Nyro創作,Richard Perry製作成一首中板流行曲,節奏輕快,旋律琅琅上口.


[Time and Love/時間與愛]登上Billboard單曲榜#51 副榜-Easy Listening榜#3

另一美國錢櫃單曲榜(Cash Box)則拿到#48


Stoney End〕的成功讓專輯升到#10 後來追加認證為百萬白金唱片 一掃上張大碟失敗之陰霾


70年代後 史翠珊發行數張代表作 鞏固她歌壇天后的地位










( 休閒生活音樂 )
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