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美國演藝天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]──成人當代抒情曲──[No Matter What Happens/不管發生什麼]
2024/01/23 00:03:00瀏覽78|回應0|推薦4

美國演藝天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]──成人當代抒情曲──No Matter What Happens/不管發生什麼]




Look at how she looks at me
I can never look at her that way
Full of all the feelings and the soft
Unspoken words that lovers say
In all the words, in all the books
I wish there were a way to say that
What shes taught me
Isnt written anywhere
And Im supposed to be the one
Whos wise
One thing is certain
I can never be what she
Expects of me
Ive wanted the shadows
I dont anymore
No matter what happens
I wont anymore
Ive run from the sunlight
Afraid it saw too much
The moon had the one light
I bathed in
I walked in
I held in my feelings
And closed every door
No matter what happens
I cant anymore
Theres someone who must hear
The words Ive never spoken
Tonight if he were here
My silence would be broken
I need him to touch me
To know the love thats in my heart
The same heart that tells me
To see myself
To free myself
To be myself at last!
For too many mornings
The curtains were drawn
Its time they were opened
To welcome the dawn
A voice deep inside
Is getting stronger
I cant keep it quiet any longer
No matter what happens
It cant be the same anymore
I promise it wont be the same



1983年 41歲的美國演藝巨星芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)編寫/製作/導演愛情音樂文藝片[Yentl/楊朵]

故事改編自Leah Napolin &Isaac Bashevis Singer創作的舞台劇

描述波蘭一位阿什肯納茲猶太女孩在父親死後, 女扮男裝以便接受教育

11月上映後 票房成功(成本:1200萬美元/北美總票房:4021萬美元) 影評亦出色

讓芭芭拉成為首位被提名奧斯卡導演的女性 拿到金球獎導演/最佳音樂劇/喜劇 並提名金球獎音樂劇/喜劇女主角



法國音樂人Michel Legrand擔任譜曲, Alan & Marilyn Bergman負責填詞

製作人包括Alan and Marilyn Bergman, Dave Grusin, Phil Ramone, 以及史翠珊本人

[Yentl]登上美國Billboard專輯榜#9 賣出一百多萬張, 再為史翠珊再拿一張白金唱片

英國榜#21 金唱片(10萬張+)

加拿大#16 白金唱片(10萬張+)


[No Matter What Happens/不管發生什麼]在英國以第二宣傳單曲/專輯總數第三主打發行,

Phil Ramone+Dave Grusin製作成一首成人當代抒情曲

Dave Grusin編曲+指揮.





Album Version



(Studio Version)







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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