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美國鄉村樂天后[費絲希爾]──中板鄉村曲──活出自己生活的[Someone Else's Dream/別人的夢想]
2023/10/25 00:03:00瀏覽131|回應0|推薦10

美國鄉村樂天后[費絲希爾]──中板鄉村曲──活出自己生活的[Someone Elses Dream/別人的夢想]

Mommas still got that sequin gown that she wore in 68
She taught her early how to smile that smile and wave from the parade
It took a whole lot of years and tears
For her momma to finally admit
No matter how many stitches and pins
That old dress was never gonna fit

She was daddys little girl
Mommas little angel
Teachers pet, pageant queen
She said "All my life Ive been pleasin everyone but me
(Waking up) waking up in someone elses dream"

Her daddy used to say, "Youll make a lovely bride someday
Hell ride up on a big white horse and just carry you away"
It took 25 years and some broken vows
Before theyd finally see
Theres a little more to love and life
Than fairytales and hand-me-down dreams

She was daddys little girl
Mommas little angel
Teachers pet, pageant queen
She said "All my life Ive been pleasin everyone but me
(Waking up) waking up in someone elses dream"

Now shes got 27 candles on her cake
And she means to make her life her own
Before theres 28

She was daddys little girl
Mommas little angel
Teachers pet, pageant queen
She said "All my life Ive been pleasin everyone but me
(Waking up) waking up in someone else..."

She was daddys little girl
Mommas little angel
Teachers pet, pageant queen
She said "All my life Ive been pleasin everyone but me
(Waking up) waking up in someone elses, someone elses dream"

Oh, in someone elses dream




1993年 美國鄉村歌手費絲希爾(Faith Hill)以首張大碟[Take Me As I Am](Warner Nashiville發行)一砲而紅 

拿到白金唱片(至今在美已累計三白金 加拿大三白金)

1995年8月底 將滿28歲的希爾乘勝追擊 推出第二張專輯[It Matters to Me/這對我很重要]

除了原有製作人Scott Hendricks外, 費絲也加入製作群,樂評基本正面.

這回商業成績更佳 登上美國流行榜#29/鄉村榜#4 加拿大專輯榜#40/鄉村榜亞軍



首支主打[Let’s Go to Vegas]登上美國鄉村榜#5 加拿大鄉村榜#9

第二主打──專輯標題曲的[It Matters to Me]




1996年1月,費絲推出第三主打[Someone Elses Dream/別人的夢想]

由Trey Bruce, Craig Wiseman創作

Scott Hendricks, 希爾製作成一首中板流行曲,





《Cash Box》雜誌寫道:‘如今,為女歌手尋找積極向上的歌曲就像尋找不穿緊身牛仔褲的男歌手一樣容易。

但希爾找到了一首符合要求的歌曲(以及她的甜心形象 )—她也唱得很精彩。如果女性確實是鄉村音樂的購買者和目標受眾,那麼這首單曲應該擊中靶心。’


[Someone Elses Dream]登上美國鄉村榜#3(1996年度#23) 加拿大鄉村榜#8(1996年度#68)





1996 Live



1997 Live



Nashville Live 1997



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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