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美國鄉村樂天后[費絲希爾]──中板鄉村曲──[The Secret of Life/生命的秘密]
2023/10/25 12:03:00瀏覽96|回應0|推薦11

美國鄉村樂天后[費絲希爾]──中板鄉村曲──[The Secret of Life/生命的秘密

Couple of guys, sittin around drinkin
Down at the Starlight bar
One of em says "you know Ive been thinking"
Other one says "that wont get you too far"
He says "this is your life, and welcome to it"
"Its just workin and drinkin and dreams"
"Ad on TV says "just do it""
"Hell if I know what that means"

The secret of life is a good cup of coffee
The secret of life is keep your eye on the ball
The secret of life is a beautiful woman
And Marilyn stares down from the barroom wall

"You and me, were just a couple of zeros"
"Just a couple of down-and-outs"
"But movie stars and football heroes"
"What have they got to be unhappy about?"
So they turn to the bartender "Sam, what do you think?"
"Whats the key that unlocks that door?"
Sam dont say nothin, just wipes off the bar
And he pours them a couple more

Cause the secret of life is in Sams martinis
The secret of life is in Marilyns eyes
The secret of life is in Monday night football
Rolling Stones records and moms apple pie

Sam looks up from his Sunday paper
Says "boys, youre on the wrong track"
"The secret of life is there aint no secret"
"And you dont get your money back"

The secret of life is gettin up early
The secret of life is stayin up late
The secret of life is try not to hurry
But dont wait
Dont wait

The secret of life is a good cup of coffee
The secret of life is keep your eye on the ball
The secret of life is to find the right woman
The secret of life is nothin at all, oh
Oh, its nothin at all
The secret of life

Couple of guys sittin around drinkin
Down at the Starlight bar
One of em says "you know Ive been thinking"
Other one says "that wont get you too far"

"That wont get you too far"



1998年春天 美國鄉村界紅星費絲希爾(Faith Hill)推出婚後首張大碟 〔Faith〕


首支單曲是3月發行的Country-Pop〔This Kiss〕 節奏輕快 旋律討好

登上美國流行榜#7 鄉村榜三週冠軍(年終#3) 鄉村單曲銷售榜21週冠軍

成人抒情榜#3 銷售突破百萬

加上後來幾首單曲的宣傳 讓大碟在美國大賣六百萬張,

讓希爾成功打入流行界 與鄉村界兩位紅星黎安萊姆絲(LeAnn Rimes)仙妮亞唐恩(Shania Twain)並列當時的鄉村熱門跨界歌手.

由於〔This Kiss〕的暢銷  華納納許維爾公司將專輯重新包裝 增減一些歌曲 改名[Love Will Always Win/愛將永遠勝利]在國際地區發行.


1999年4月26日,費絲推出第五首單曲[The Secret of Life/生命的秘密

由Gretchen Peters創作

希爾和Byron Gallimore製作成一首鄉村流行曲,



The Secret of Life]登上美國Billboard鄉村榜#4(1999年度#22)

















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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