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美國創作搖滾巨星[約翰.庫格]成名曲──腹地搖滾/流行搖滾──[Hurts So Good]
2023/01/26 04:03:00瀏覽922|回應0|推薦12



美國創作搖滾巨星[約翰.庫格]成名曲──腹地搖滾/流行搖滾──[Hurts So Good/痛得如此甜蜜]

When I was a young boy
Said put away those young boy ways
Now that Im gettin older, so much older
I long for those young boy days

With a girl like you
With a girl like you
Lord knows there are things we can do, baby
Just me and you
Come on and make it, uh

Hurts so good
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

Dont have to be so exciting
Just tryin to give myself a little bit of fun, yeah
You always look so invitin
You aint as green as you are young

Hey baby, its you
Come on, girl, now, its you
Sink your teeth right through my bones, baby
Lets see what we can do
Come on and make it, uh

Hurts so good
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

I aint talkin no big deals
I aint made no plans myself
I aint talkin no high heels
Maybe we could walk around all day long
Walk around all day long, uh

Hurts so good
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

Hurts so good, cmon baby now
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

Hey, hey



1951年10月生於印第安那州的約翰麥倫坎普(現名)/約翰庫格/約翰庫格麥倫坎普(John Mellencamp/John Cougar/John Cougar Mellencamp)是美國搖創作滾巨星(藝名改變數次)

1976年以藝名約翰.庫格(John Cougar)出道,發行首張大碟,但成績普通


1982年4月,30歲半的約翰.庫格推出第五張專輯[American Fool/美國傻瓜](Riva Records出版),由他跟Don Gehman一起製作,樂評中等.

首支主打為[Hurts So Good/痛得如此甜蜜]

由約翰.庫格跟Don Gehman 共同創作,並製作成一首腹地搖滾(Heartland rock)/流行搖滾


[Hurts So Good]登上美國Billboard單曲榜亞軍,

副榜-主流搖滾榜冠軍 銷售逾100萬張, 拿到金唱片讓約翰.庫格一炮而紅

另拿到加拿大#3 澳大利亞#5 南非電台榜#5 紐西蘭#39


單曲的成功讓大碟[American Fool]登上美國專輯榜亞軍 至今在美國拿到5白金(500萬張+)

加拿大冠軍 5白金(50萬張+)










1982 Live










( 休閒生活音樂 )
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