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美國流行/鄉村歌手─鄉村流行曲─[9,999,999 Tears/9,999,999滴眼淚/流不盡的眼淚]
2023/01/07 04:03:00瀏覽665|回應0|推薦7

美國流行/鄉村歌手──鄉村流行曲──[9,999,999 Tears/9,999,999滴眼淚/流不盡的眼淚]



Got nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine tears to go
And then I dont know if Ill be over you

The sun didnt shine this morning its been raining the whole day through
Suddenly without warning you found somebody new
Thats when the first tear came falling from my eyes
Im beginning to feel the pain seeing nothing but cloudy skies
Got nine million nine hundred
Well Ill be over you

Youre out tonight with your new love Im far far from your mind
Trying to get over you love could take a whole lifetime
I cant believe you could want anybody else so no one could take my place
At least thats what I keep telling myself as the tears fall down my face
Got nine million nine hundred
Ill be over you
Got nine million nine hundred
Got nine million nine hundred





1936年生於田納西州孟斐斯的狄基李(Dickey Lee)是美國流行/鄉村歌手


1976年 30歲的李推出大碟[Angels, Roses and Rain/天使,玫瑰與雨](RCA發行)

其中第三首主打[9,999,999 Tears/9,999,999滴眼淚/流不盡的眼淚]是翻唱Razzy Bailey在1966年創作並發行的單曲(當時沒入榜)

狄基李版由他跟Roy Dea共同製作成一首鄉村流行曲

旋律琅琅上口, 節奏輕快

[9,999,999 Tears]登上美國Billboard單曲榜#52 副榜-鄉村歌曲榜#3

錢櫃雜誌單曲榜#83 副榜-鄉村歌曲榜冠軍

加拿大單曲榜#85 副榜-鄉村歌曲榜#3

















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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