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美國創作搖滾歌手[班尼馬多內思]──軟式搖滾抒情曲──[Into The Night/直到深夜]
2023/01/07 08:03:00瀏覽720|回應0|推薦12

美國創作搖滾歌手[班尼馬多內思]──軟式搖滾抒情曲──[Into The Night/直到深夜]

This was the song
This is the crowd
This is me and the Hurricanes
And this is for you

Shes just 16 years old
Leave her alone, they say
Separated by fools
Who dont know what love is yet
But I want you to know

If I could fly
Id pick you up
Id take you into the night
And show you a love
Like youve never seen, ever seen
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

Its like having a dream
Where nobody has a heart, noboby baby
Its like having it all
And watching it fall apart

And I would wait til the end
Of time for you
And do it again, its true, baby
I cant measure my love
Theres nothing to compare it to
But I want you to know

If I could fly
Id pick you up
Id take you into the night
And show you a love
Oh, if I could fly
Id pick you up
And into the night, take you

Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
Come on, help me out
Oh, oh, oh

If I could fly
Id pick you up
Id take you into the night
And show you, show you a love
If I could fly
Id pick you up
And into the night
(Into the night)

Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Thank you so much, God bless you
Thank you for making this another wonderful Christmas in my life
Memories, you give me the memories that keep me strong
You give me the memories that keep me going
You are the reason I keep coming back every year
Youre the reason

To the night
To the night
To the night
To the night
To the night
To the night
To the night
To the night

I love you
I love you, thank you
Oh, if I could fly
Baby, Id pick you up
Oh, hey

God bless you
To the night
To the night
God bless you


1946年11月生於俄亥俄州的班尼馬多內思(Benny Mardones 1946-2020)是美國搖滾歌手,主要從事詞曲創作



1980年,班尼推出第二張專輯[Never Run, Never Hide](Polydor 發行

由Barry Mraz製作,樂評良好

首支主打為6月推出的[Into The Night/直到深夜]

由馬多內思, Robert Tepper譜寫,Barry Mraz製作成一首軟式搖滾抒情曲



[Into The Night]登上美國Billboard單曲榜#11(1980年終#69)

加拿大#12 紐西蘭#29

1989 年 5 月 6 日,亞利桑那州電台節目“他們現在在哪裡?/Where Are They Now?”促使洛杉磯 DJ Scott Shannon 將[Into The Night]添加到他的播放列表中,結果讓此曲重回排行榜。

這回[Into The Night]在 7 月的登上Billboard單曲榜#20,停留17週,加上之前的20週,總計37週。



由於單曲熱門,讓大碟[Into The Night]1980年登上美國Billboard專輯榜#65




1989年,班尼馬多內思推出第四張大碟[Benny Mardones]

收錄[Into The Night]重錄版








(Re-Recorded In Stereo)





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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