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加拿大樂團[無帽人]代表作──新浪潮/電子流行──〔The Safety Dance/安全之舞〕
2021/07/26 00:03:10瀏覽456|回應0|推薦7

加拿大樂團[無帽人]代表作──新浪潮/電子流行──〔The Safety Dance/安全之舞〕

We can dance if we want to

We can leave your friends behind

Cause your friends dont dance

And if they dont dance

Well, theyre no friends of mine

Say, we can go where we want to

A place where they will never find

And we can act like we come

From out of this world

Leave the real one far behind

And we can dance

Or sing

We can go when we want to

Night is young and so am I

And we can dress real neat

From our hats to our feet

And surprise em with the victory cry

Say, we can act if we want to

If we dont, nobody will

And you can act real rude and totally removed

And I can act like an imbecile

And say, we can dance, we can dance

Everythings out of control

We can dance, we can dance

Theyre doing it from pole to pole

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody look at your hands

We can dance, we can dance

Everybodys taking the chance

Safety dance

Oh well, the safety dance

Ah yes, the safety dance

We can dance if we want to

Weve got all your life and mine

As long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it

Everythingll work out right

I say, we can dance if we want to

We can leave your friends behind

Because your friends dont dance

And if they dont dance

Well, theyre no friends of mine

I say, we can dance, we can dance

Everythings out of control

We can dance, we can dance

Were doing it from pole to pole

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody look at your hands

We can dance, we can dance

Everybodys taking the chance

Oh well, the safety dance

Ah yes, the safety dance

Oh well, the safety dance

Oh well, the safety dance

Oh yes, the safety dance

Oh, the safety dance, yeah

Well, its the safety dance

Its the safety dance

Well, its the safety dance

Well, its the safety dance

Oh, its the safety dance

Oh, its the safety dance


無帽人(Men Without Hats)是1977年成立於加拿大蒙特婁的新浪潮/電子流行樂團

1982年4月發行首張專輯[Rhythm of Youth/年輕節奏](公司:Sire/Virgin (Canada)Statik (Europe) Backstreet (US)

主唱Ivan Doroschuk擔任大碟歌曲創作, Marc Durand製作, 樂評良好。


首支主打[I Like]並沒打入加拿大單曲榜, 但拿到美國Billboard單曲榜#84

第二單曲是〔The Safety Dance/安全之舞〕

Ivan Doroschuk譜寫, 內容是在抗議1980年代初期,迪斯可勢微, 新浪潮音樂興起, 舞廳保鑣阻止客人從pogoing舞轉向新浪潮舞。
Marc Durand
製作成一首新朗潮/合成流行曲, 輕快討好


The Safety Dance〕在1983年初登上加拿大單曲榜#11 拿到金唱片(5萬張)


美國更受歡迎, 拿到Billboard單曲榜#3 

副榜-舞曲播放榜冠軍 主流搖滾榜#21

1983下半年在國際地區受到歡迎, 秋天登上英國單曲榜#6 銀唱片(25萬張)

西德/紐西蘭亞軍 瑞典/挪威/愛爾蘭#3 瑞士#4 澳大利亞#5 奧地利#6 比利時#10 荷蘭#23 法國#64


MV在英國拍攝,以英國民謠復興運動為意象主題, 裡面包括莫里斯舞(Morris dance),啞劇(Mummers play),龐馳與朱迪木偶戲(Punch and Judy)與仲夏柱(maypole


The Safety Dance〕的成功讓大碟[Rhythm of Youth]升到加拿大專輯榜#15 2白金唱片(20萬張)


美國榜#13 金唱片(50萬張)











1985 Live



(Extended Club Mix)




Men Without Hats – The Safety Dance (Extended Club Mix) / I Got The Message -1982



( Special Maxi Mix)



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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