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美國娛樂圈天后[芭芭拉.史翠珊]──百老匯音樂劇名曲翻唱──展現高超演唱功力的〔Putting It Together〕
2014/08/04 00:09:26瀏覽445|回應0|推薦3

美國娛樂圈天后[芭芭拉史翠珊]──百老匯音樂劇名曲翻唱──展現高超演唱功力的〔Putting It Together


[Barbra:] Look, Ive spent a lot of time working on this
[Producer 1:] Look, no ones gonna buy it -- no one.
[Producer 2:] No one in Middle America, anyway. Thats for sure.
[Producer 3:] Hes right!
[Producer 1:] Sweetheart, its just not commercial!
[Barbra:] What is commercial?
[Producer 2:] Its not whats selling nowadays.
[Producer 1:] I mean - personally, I love it, but
[Barbra (sung):]Be nice, girl!
[Producer 3:] Nobodys into this kind of material.
[Barbra (sung):] You have to pay a price, girl!
[Producer 2:] This album needs a hit single we can push.
[Barbra (sung):]They like to give advice, girl!
[Producer 1:] The whole ideas too risky.
[Barbra (sung):] Dont think about it twice, girl!
[Producer 2:] The audience wont understand this kind of thing!
[Barbra (sung):]Its time to get to work!
Barbra (spoken): I disagree! Why dont you wait until you hear it?
[Producer 3:] This is like your old stuff!
[Barbra (sung):] Art isnt easy.
[Producer 3:] Youve got to appeal to the kids.
[Barbra (sung):] Even when youre hot.
[Producer 2:] Why would you want to make an album like this anyway?
[Barbra (sung):] Advancing art is easy.
[Producer 1:] I think we ought to talk seriously about this.
[Barbra (sung):] Financing it is not!
[Producer 2:] Why take chances?
[Barbra (sung):] A visions just a vision if its only in your head!
[Producer 1:] Nobody respects your artistic integrity more than I do, but
[Barbra (sung):] If no one gets to hear it, its as good as dead!
[Producer 2:] You have to think about you career!
[Barbra (sung):] It has to come to life!
Bit by bit, putting it together
Piece by piece, only way to make a work of art
Every moment makes a contribution
Every little detail plays a parts
Having just a visions no solution
Everything depends on execution
Putting it together, thats what counts!
Ounce by ounce, putting in together
Small amounts, adding up to make a work of art
First of all you need a good foundation
Otherwise its risky from the start
Takes a little cocktail conversation
But without the proper preparation
Having just a visions no solution
Everything depends on execution
The art of making art
Is putting it together, bit by bit
[Producer 2:] Do we really need all these musicians?
[Barbra:] Link by link, making the connections, yes we do!
Drink by drink, taking every comment as it comes
Learning how to play the politician
Like you play piano, bass and drums
Otherwise youll find your composition
Isnt gonna get much exhibition
Art isnt easy
Every minor detail is a major decision
Have to keep things in scale
Have to hold to your vision
[Producer 1:] Why dont we talk about this over dinner, darling?
Whats a little cocktail conversation
If it gets the funds for your foundation
Every time I start to feel defensive
I remember vinyl is expensive!
[Producer 3:] Would you agree to do an interview?
[Barbra:] Maybe one!
Dot by dot, building up the image
Shot by shot, keeping at a distance doesnt pay
Still if you remember your objective
Not give all your privacy away
A little bit of hype can be effective
As long as you can keep it in perspective
Even when you get some recognition
Everything you do you still audition
Art isnt easy
Overnight youre a trend
Youre the right combination
Then the trends at an end
Youre suddenly last years sensation!
All they ever want is repetition
All they really like is what they know
Gotta keep a link with your tradition
Gotta learn to trust your intuition
While you re-establish your position
So that you can be on exhibit...
So that your work can be on exhibition!
Be new, girl!
They tell you till theyre blue, girl!
Youre new, or else youre through, girl!
And even if its true, girl,
You do what you can do!
Bit by bit, Putting it together
Piece by piece, working on the vision night and day
All it takes is time and perseverance
With a little luck along the way
Putting in a personal appearance
Gathering supporters and adherents...
[Producer 1:] Well, shes an original!
[Producer 3:] WAS!
[Barbra:] Mapping out the songs but in addition
Harmonizing each negotiation
Balancing the part thats all musicians
With the part thats strictly presentation
Balancing the money with the mission
Till you have the perfect orchestration
Even if you do have the suspicion
That its taking all your concentration
The art of making art
Is putting it together, bit by bit
Beat by beat, part by part
Sheet by sheet, chart by chart
Track by track, bit by bit,
Reel by reel, pout by pout
Stack by stack, snit by snit,
meal by meal, shout by shout
Deal by deal, spat by spat
Shpiel by shpiel, doubt by doubt
And that... Is the state of the art!




1985年秋天 43歲的美國娛樂圈天后芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)重回音樂劇根源 推出一張以百老匯音樂劇歌曲與傳統流行經典的匯集〔The Broadway Album/百老匯專輯〕


大碟並伴隨電視特別節目[Putting It Together : The Making Of The Broadway Album]宣傳


Putting It Together〕是[百老匯專輯]的開頭曲

選自名劇作家史蒂芬桑漢(Stephen Sondheim)1984年的百老匯音樂劇〔Sunday In The Park With George/與喬治共度週日下午〕

這是桑漢得自法國後期印象派畫家喬治.秀拉(Georges Seurat)經典作品〔A Sunday Afternoon In The Island of La Grande Jatte/大碗島的星期日下午〕



本劇影評好壞參半 票房不差 在百老匯演了604場 但仍賠了錢

不過仍拿到普立茲最佳戲劇 Drama Desk獎傑出音樂劇/傑出台詞/傑出歌詞



Putting It Together〕是本劇第二幕的合唱曲


接著開始急速咬字 然後開始進入這首相對快板的歌曲


雖然沒推出單曲  仍是大碟中相當搶爾的歌曲


Putting It Together〕為〔百老匯專輯〕做了難忘的開頭









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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