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美國天后歌姬[琳達朗絲黛]成名前佳作──鄉村搖滾曲──[Rock Me on the Water]
2020/11/23 00:13:46瀏覽1078|回應1|推薦15

美國天后歌姬[琳達朗絲黛]成名前佳作──鄉村搖滾曲──[Rock Me on the Water/在水上搖我]

Oh, people look around you

The signs are everywhere

You left him for somebody other than you

To be the one to care

Youre lost inside your houses

Theres no time to find you now

Oh, your walls are burning

And your towers are turning

Ive gotta leave you here

And try to get down to the sea somehow

Rock me on the water

Sister, wont you soothe my fevered brow

Ooh, rock me on the water

Gotta get down to the sea somehow

The road is filled with homeless souls

Every woman child and man

Who have no idea where they will go

But theyll help you if they can

Now everyone must have some thought

Thats gonna pull them through somehow

Well, the fires are raging hotter and hotter

But the sisters of the sun

Are gonna rock me on the water now

Rock me on the water

Sister, wont you soothe my fevered brow

Ooh, rock me on the water

I gotta get down to the sea somehow

Oh, people look among you

Its there your hope must lie

Theres a seabird above you gliding in one place

Like Jesus in the sky

We all must do the best we can

And then hang onto that gospel cloud

When my life is over

Gonna stand for the father

But the sisters of the sun

Are gonna rock me on the water now

Rock me on the water

Sister, wont you soothe my fevered brow

Ooh, rock me on the water

Then maybe Ill remember

Maybe Ill remember how

Rock me on the water

The wind is with me now

Ooh, rock me on the water

Gotta get down to the sea somehow

I gotta get down to the sea somehow


在結束她的小石馬(Stone Poney)樂團後

美國歌手琳達朗絲黛(Linda Ronstadt)展開個人音樂事業

1969年推出在Capital公司的首張專輯〔Hand SownHome Grown〕 成績淒慘。

1970年推出第二張大碟〔Silk Purse/絲質錢包〕 拿到Billboard專輯榜#103

第二主打〔Long Long Time/長久〕打進美國單曲榜#25 成為朗絲黛第一首個人熱門曲 並提名葛萊美最佳當代女歌手


1972年1月, 琳達推出第三張個人大碟──同名的[Linda Ronstadt

製作人改為John Boylan

樂手包括後來組成搖滾天團的首代團員Glenn Frey, Glenn Frey, Randy Meisner ,Bernie Leadon

大碟融合傳統鄉村, 搖滾與靈魂樂, 樂評優秀, 被視為朗絲黛成名前的傑作之一。


I Fall to Pieces]反應不佳, 並沒入榜。

1972年2月, 琳達推出第二單曲[Rock Me on the Water/在水上搖我]

此曲由傑克遜布朗(Jackson Browne)譜寫並灌錄, 收在他首張大碟。



琳達版是首鄉村搖滾曲, 朗絲黛展現早期她質樸豐沛的嗓音

Rock Me on the Water]登上Billboard單曲榜#85 成績不理想

連帶[Linda Ronstadt]大碟銷售不佳, 只拿到Billboard專輯榜#169, 比上張大碟更慘

Linda Ronstadt]的失敗讓朗絲黛決定離開Capital唱片, 跳槽Asylum公司。










live in Sausalito, CA 73




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2020/11/24 09:47
OrientExpress(OrientExpress) 於 2020-11-24 14:08 回覆:


聽說她得到帕金森症, 難以唱歌, 加上年紀已大, 所以選擇退休。

