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美國歌壇天王[王子]──輕爵士/R&B抒情曲──[Damn U/該死的妳]
2019/07/08 12:45:47瀏覽422|回應0|推薦7

美國歌壇天王[王子]──輕爵士/R&B抒情曲──[Damn U/該死的妳]



Damn u, ure so fine

Seems 2 happen 2 me each and every time we make love

I cant hold back

Its like having a hundred million little heart attacks

Damn u, baby ure so fine

Damn this kooky love affair

All I ever want 2 do is play in your hair

2 people crazy in love

Into 1 another like a hand in a glove

Damn this kooky love affair

(damn u)


Like animals just born 2 breed

Come 2 think about cha baby

Ure my only need

Im on fire til u come and put me out

All Im trying 2 say is that my psychadelic shouts

When u damn me

Damn u

When Im in your arms its all that I can do

When were makin love, I cant hold back

Its like having a hundred million little heart attacks

Damn u, baby ure so fine


Damn u, baby ure so fine



That ones dedicated 2 all the lovers

That was beautiful

This ones dedicates 2 the whores

What you just...

Pimprag, check (pimprag)

Just once will you talk to me

Tootsie pop, check (tootsie pop)

Not at me, not around me, not through me

Raise your cane (cane)

What do you believe in


Who is your God


Is this reality or just another facade


©1992 Controversy Music - ASCAP



1992年10月 34歲的美國歌壇天王──王子(Prince1958-2016)與他的合聲樂團新力量世代(The New Power Generation)發行大碟[Love Symbol Album/愛情符號]

這是王子第12張專輯,跟The New Power Generation合作的第二張


唱片封面只是個無法發音的圖案符號 王子以‘Love Symbol2’申請著作權, 並成為他1993-2001年間的藝名

媒體便以‘Love Symbol’作為專輯另類名稱

Love Symbol Album]登上美國專輯榜#5 拿到白金唱片(100萬張+)

在英國成為王子第四張冠軍專輯  亦拿到白金唱片(30萬張+)




1992年11月, 王子&新力量世代推出第四首單曲[Damn U/該死的妳]


在緩慢的節奏間, 王子以假音與低沉的男中音細訴一名女子深身影響其情感, 浪慢感性

由於只在美國R&B越界限量發行單曲, 因而商業迴不大

Damn U]並沒打入Billboard單曲榜, 只在榜外的#108盤旋



這是王子的Quiet Storm抒情佳作之一


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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