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美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉.芭頓]──鄉村流行曲--[Better Get to Livin'/更好地生活]
2024/07/06 09:03:00瀏覽163|回應0|推薦5

美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉.芭頓]──鄉村流行曲--[Better Get to Livin更好地生活]




People always comin up to me and askin
"Dolly, whats your secret?
With all you do, your attitude
Just seems to be so good
How do you keep it?"
Well, Im not the Dalai Lama, but Ill try
To offer up a few words of advice.

You better get to livin, givin
Dont forget to throw in a little forgivin
And lovin on the way
You better get to knowin, showin
A little bit more concerned about where youre goin
Just a word unto the wise
You better get to livin.

A girlfriend came to my house
Started cryin on my shoulder Sunday evening
She was spinnin such a sad tale
I could not believe the yarn that she was weavin
So negative the words she had to say
I said if I had a violin Id play.

I said youd better get to livin, givin
Be willing and forgivin
Cause all healing has to start with you
You better stop whining, pining
Get your dreams in line
And then just shine, design, refine
Until they come true

And you better get to livin.

Your lifes a wreck, your house is mess
And your wardrobe way outdated
All your plans just keep on falling through
Overweight and under paid, under appreciated
Im no guru, but Ill tell you
This I know is true.

You better get to livin, givin
A little more thought about bein
A little more willin to make a better way
Dont sweat the small stuff
Keep your chin up
Just hang tough
And if it gets too rough
Fall on your knees and pray
And do that everyday
Then youll get to livin.

The day were born we start to die
Dont waste one minute of this life
Get to livin
Share your dreams and share your laughter
Make some points for the great hereafter.

Better start carin
Better start sharin
Better start tryin
Better start smiling
And you better get to livin...


2008年8月,52歲半的美國鄉村樂天后桃莉.芭頓(Dolly Parton)推出第42張大碟〔Backwoods Barbie/偏遠芭比〕(Dolly Records發行),



由桃莉和Kent Wells製作,樂評一般正面.



英國榜#35 丹麥#6 瑞典#57


首支單曲是7月末推出的[Better Get to Livin更好地生活]

由桃莉和Kent Wells創作,歌詞提到保持積極態度和克服負面情緒

芭頓和Kent Wells將其製作成一首鄉村流行曲,旋律悅耳,節奏輕快,桃莉的嗓音朝氣有活力.

芭頓聘請了著名的福音歌手Sonya Isaacs和Rebecca Isaacs Bowman提供和聲。




Better Get to Livin登上美國鄉村單曲榜#48.


為了支持這張專輯,芭頓從2008年3月開始[Backwoods Barbie]巡演,直到11月,她在北美和歐洲進行64場演出。

歐洲階段是芭頓巡演史上最成功的一次,在英國、瑞典、丹麥、挪威和荷蘭為 17 萬名觀眾表演。














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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