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加拿大鄉村樂女皇[仙妮亞唐恩]──鄉村/流行抒情曲──[Forever and for Always/永遠與永遠]
2017/10/09 00:06:07瀏覽513|回應0|推薦11

加拿大鄉村樂女皇[仙妮亞唐恩]──鄉村/流行抒情曲經典──[Forever and for Always/永遠與永遠]

In your arms I can still feel the way you

Want me when you hold me

I can still hear the words you whispered

When you told me

I can stay right here forever in your arms


And there ain't no way

I'm lettin' you go now

And there ain't no way

And there ain't not how

I'll never see that day


Cause I'm keeping you

Forever and for always

We will be together all of our days

Want to wake up every

Morning to your sweet face, always

Mm, baby


In your heart I can still hear

A beat for every time you kiss me

And when we're apart,

I know how much you miss me

I can feel your love for me in your heart


And there ain't no way

I'm lettin' you go now

And there ain't now way

And there ain't no how

I'll never see that day


Cause I'm keeping you

Forever and for always

We will be together all of our days

Want to wake up every

Morning to your sweet face, always


(I want to wake up every morning here)


In your eyes (I can still see The look of the one)

I can still see The look of the one who really loves me (I can still feel the way that you want)

The one who wouldn't put anything

Else in the world above me (I can still see love for me)

I can Still see love for me in your eyes (I still see the love)


And there ain't no way

I'm lettin' you go now

And there ain't no way

And there ain't no how

I'll never see that day


Cause I'm keeping you

Forever and for always

We will be together all of our days

Want to wake up every

Morning to your sweet face, always


I'm keeping you

Forever and for always

We will be together all of our days

Want to wake up every

Morning to your sweet face,


I'm keeping you forever and for always

I'm keeping you forever

Yes I'm keeping baby

Forever, in your arms


Forever And For Always lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group


2003年4月  加拿大鄉村樂天后仙妮亞唐恩(Shania Twain)發行[Up!]大碟第四單曲──也是第三鄉村主打的[Forever and for Always/永遠與永遠]

仍舊是由夫妻──唐恩跟Robert John Mutt Lange的共同創作

仙妮亞描述一段起自兒時, 持續到成年的感情

Lange製作 有主打鄉村界的鄉村流行抒情曲

另外為主打主流界, 尚有較流行的Red Version/抒情版, 偏世界/民族樂風的Blue Version

Forever and for Always]登上加拿大單曲榜#5

美國單曲榜#20──這是[Up!]在美國反應最佳的歌曲 2006年下載超月50萬次 拿到金唱片


另外登上副榜──鄉村榜#4(2003年終#14 2004年終#5)



國際頗受歡迎:登上英國榜#6 成為唐恩連續第七首/事業第八首Top10熱門曲

德國榜#9 奧地利/愛爾蘭#6 羅馬尼亞電台榜#8 比利時(法語區)#14 紐西蘭#17 瑞士#26 波蘭電台榜#27 匈牙利電台榜#37荷蘭#44 澳洲#45 


Forever and for Always]隔年提名葛萊美最佳鄉村歌曲&最佳鄉村女歌手

至於MV 選在紐西蘭海灘拍攝



Red Version MV



Green Version MV



Green Version MV



Blue Video Edit





UP! Close & Personal


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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