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美國藍調搖滾巨星〔邦妮芮特〕──電影[Boys on the Side]插曲──[You Got It]
2017/05/21 12:43:13瀏覽375|回應0|推薦12

美國藍調搖滾巨星〔邦妮芮特〕──電影[Boys on the Side]插曲──流行搖滾翻唱──[You Got It



Every time I look into your loving eyes

I see a love that money just cant buy

One look from you I drift away

Afraid that you are here to stay


Anything you want, you got it

Anything you need, you got it

Anything at all, you got it, baby


Every time I hold you I begin to understand

Everything about you tells me Im your man

I live my life to be with you

No one can do the things you do


Anything you want, you got it

Anything you need, you got it

Anything at all

Doo doo doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo you got it

Im glad to give my love to you

I know your feel the way I do



Lynne, Jeff / Orbison, Roy / Petty, Tom


Published by

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.


1995年2月 美國華納公司推出喜劇文藝電影[Boys on the Side/瀟灑有情天]

由琥碧戈柏 茱兒芭里摩(Drew Barrymore)與瑪麗路易絲帕克(Mary Louise Parker)主演

票房普通 但獲得好評

原聲帶專輯眾星雲集, 其中美國藍調搖滾巨星邦妮.芮特(Bonnie Raitt)為其灌錄了[You Got It

這原是美國創作搖滾巨星羅伊奧比森(Roy Orbison)死後1989年出版的經典歌曲[You Got It

由他與Jeff LynneTom Petty合寫

邦妮版的編曲加重搖滾味, 她的詮釋也比Roy版略加熱情

此曲是少數為原聲帶灌錄的歌曲, 也是專輯第一主打

You Got It]登上美國Billboard單曲榜#33 成人抒情榜#6 加拿大#11 德國榜#80 







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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