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2020/12/30 09:56:07瀏覽1178|回應3|推薦59 | |
日期 : 2020.12.01 會安古鎮→會安市場→Cam Kim island 自行車之旅→青旅內Free Rum & Coke * Free guide bicycle tour: we are running bicycle tour.Our local guide will take you to a beautiful island - Cam Kim island *surrounded by gently river. The guide will introduce you about the Vietnamese’s culture and belief at the biggest local family temple in the island. Then you will have chance to learn making rice paper at a local house.All the tour you just need 1$ to rent a bicycle and 1$ to donate for local. (青旅資料) ↑ 親人的店狗 ↑↓ The biggest local family temple in the island
裡面就不亂拍了,導覽員還帶我們去看家廟旁墓園,墓特別小,基本上是不夠身長的...英文不夠好,記憶不夠好,忘了原因 ↑↓ learn making rice paper at a local house
↑↓ 超級好吃,外酥內軟Q,沾醬後另有風味,飲料也好喝,但不知是什麼飲料。 天氣狀況不好烏雲密布,但很幸運的騎車行程中沒下雨 導遊說,這叫瘋狂橋,因是鋼鐵製,車子騎上橋,ㄎ一哩匡啷...吵個不停,所以叫Crazy Bridge 騎腳踏車,得跟上隊伍,好不容易可以逮到機會拍張照,是因為前面有台機車載了一個長條物,還是橫放,造成大塞車,但即使是對方來車,也沒人說什麼,會車技巧不錯。 ↓ Free Rum & Coke: From 7.00PM-8.00PM , we serve free rum & coke, you can find this in the kitchen and help Yourself! 這些年輕人,好像在古城已住很久了的感覺,打牌聊天...並不需趕景點,青春真好 忽然想到,第一晚參加春捲DIY時,和他(她)們聊天,有些人並不知台灣在哪兒 ,但有一位女生告訴我,她下一站便是台灣,住宿、行程似乎已經安排妥當,但沒到台南 |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |