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美國企業研究所Michael Ledeen在普林斯頓大學演講的見聞
2006/02/21 07:24:27瀏覽449|回應1|推薦2




"Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute bombed in his talk at Princeton University two nights ago. Although escorted on his arrival by an honor guard of apparently orthodox Jewish students, he was heckled and angrily questioned by Muslim young people from (I guessed from their accents) Palestine, Turkey, Pakistan and especially Iran ---- exactly the population that Ledeen was claiming would welcome U.S. covert action to rid them of their tyrannical rulers.  He ended up losing his cool completely --- calling them ‘children’ and suggesting that they were naive and ignorant of the real world.  There was one particular line of reasoning that most seriously antagonized these proud young people --- ‘The tyrants whom you passively allow to rule you are exhorting you to wage a terrorist war to the death against America. These reactionary despots do not hate America and wage terrorist war against America because of American policies (Israel, etc.), but because America's freedom and prosperity challenge their ability to oppress and exploit you. The United States should overturn and destroy all the corrupt and repressive governments in the Middle East --- starting with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia --- and then you (Muslim youth) will be free to create new, modern societies that emulate American cultural, economic and political values.’  (Paraphrasing)  It was fascinating to me to observe that this thesis, especially coming from a man with Ledeen's credentials, was deeply offensive to the majority of his audience.Interes tingly, I thought the most vocal and articulate critics of Ledeen were some young Iranian women, very Westernized and intellectually sophisticated, who were obviously deeply offended at the patronizing way that Ledeen told them what their hopes and ambitions should be.  There is an old and eternal lessen here for all of us (excluding Ledeen, who's too arrogant and self-assured to learn anything):  it is that nobody outside their culture, and especially not an American, can tell the young people of the Muslim and Arab worlds today what they should believe, how they should act, and what kind of society they should be building for themselves.  Attempts to do so will only turn them off, no matter what their personal beliefs and aspirations may be."

( 時事評論國際 )
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micle bxtere
2023/03/21 17:47
劳伦·诺艾尔·希尔() 是一名美国歌手、创作人、说唱歌手、音乐制作人和女演员,1975年5月26日出生。她是难民营乐队的一员,她的个人专辑《劳伦希尔的错误教育()》备受好评,获得了无数奖项并打破了多个销售记录。 希尔成长于新泽西南奥兰治的一个音乐家庭,自幼便受家庭影响开始了歌唱。早年,她跟随哥哥格拉哈姆·希尔,先后出演了电视肥皂剧《地球照转(As the World Turns)》以及1993年的电影《修女也疯狂2》,使她成为了一名小有名气的女演员。高中时期,想要成立乐队的找到了希尔,不久后,希尔的好友怀克里夫·金也加入了这支乐队。他们把这支乐队的名字改为难民营乐队(Fugees),并先后推出了专辑《(Blunted on Reality)》(1994年)及格莱美奖获奖专辑《(The Score )》(1996年)。后者在美国的销量达到了6,000,000张,受黑人音乐和加勒比音乐的影响,希尔因她的说唱和演唱,尤其是她翻唱的单曲“(Killing Me Softly)”而声名鹊起。 希尔与金的分手最终导致了乐队在1997年解散,此后她转向个人事业的发展。 专辑《劳伦希尔的错误教育()》(1998年)是希尔的唯一一张个人专辑。该专辑好评如潮,以新灵魂乐风格展现的独特嗓音表现了生命和人际关系的各个方面,这张专辑以8,000,000张的销量迅速登顶美国公告牌二百强专辑榜。 PeopleNet Fleet Manager(bxter1988micle@gmail.com)