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2005/09/15 05:07:46瀏覽693|回應0|推薦1 | |
小弟觀察宋叛已近卅年,結論就是無恥下流忘本(小弟從不諱言,自己也許很下流,如果這樣您會舒服一些的話,因為人非聖賢),先去看看小弟對其之批評,再來跟小弟論理吧! 您年輕善良,被他欺騙是自然,等著看他為百姓唾棄吧! 您如要救他,就是讓他懸崖勒馬,三一九站出來,準備當副總統。而非在網上與小弟論理,您是改變不了小弟的,除非他識相。他旁邊有幾個爛人跟他物以類聚,小弟不是不認識。 精華區 / 談連宋配 梅峰 敬草 政客之權位重於意識形態 政客要的是權位,意識形態只是騙取權位之工具!而宋叛更是無品下流之小太監,這種叛變背信之下流呸子,誰敢將兩岸之前途交給他處理,他不為了特首之權位賣台才怪。 宋叛當初為了權位,捧出鬼子,為了選總統,背叛國民黨,直到今天都還在找理由不回去,甚至變節親「民進」,而更加傷害母黨,大家還看不清楚嗎! 小弟雖對馬亦搖頭,但他總比宋叛要好一點,至少尚未脫黨變節! 梅峰 親民黨毫無理想,只會偷機 小弟在當年親民黨成立之當兒,看宋叛將黨名取成「親民」,就知道這是個偷機黨,因為何黨不「親民」,黨名可以看出政黨之理想,宋叛胸無點墨,故親民黨毫無理想,只會偷機,由此可見今天會落到這種親「民進黨」的地步,也是報應! 各位何時看過親民黨提出一些大快人心的照顧百姓政策,整天只會鬼喊一些短期內不可能有進展之兩岸政策,天天嚇唬老百姓。 宋叛說話,從來都是言不由衷,噁心至極,左為百姓,右計天下,實際上心中只有自己,兩次下跪更可看出人格之下流。 身為黨魁尚留念牌桌,這種素來屈身宮廷,仰人鼻息之小太監,為了名位,捧出鬼子,為虎作倀;私心自用,強選總統,拱出兇手。如今親「民進」黨,走向泡沫,也是自作孽不可活! 梅峰 宋叛與狼共舞 親民黨泡沫化指日可待 梅峰評論 宋叛與狼共舞,終於露出自私自利之真面目,親民黨與宋叛之泡沫化指日可待! The two aspects of the Soong-Liar union Hello David! I do not agree with your opinion to James Soong! There are two aspects that you have to look at the Soong-Liar union. The first aspect, does this union good to Pan-Blue or just to seperate it. This will definate seperate Pan-Blue. Soong will not join the 319 parade, and they are trying to unite together for the election at the end of this year. The seperation of the Pan-Blue will let the DPP lead the country again, and seperate with the Chinese culture more and more. The second aspect, does the union good to the relation with PRC, it is very hard to estimate, but my opinion is not optimum to it, for PRC does not believe DPP and this time James Soong too, because of they lost the trust to the people who elect them. Jame Soong will very possible lost the truth of the Pan-Blue people, he is very possible lost his support at the next election. My English is not so good, pls look at my opinions always to James Soong if you want to know him more. https://city.udn.com/v1/city/essence/index.jsp?no=50415&cate_id=244790aa8badec11456d7a6a Best Wishes Mei, Feng Mei, I am really confused at this time. What is our position now? Personally, what soong has done may not be a bad thing at all. At least it push back the fire possibility between two sides some what. That I would like to see. 宋楚瑜是混蛋 聽說您擁護宋楚瑜,小弟請您上我網看下小弟對其之看法,自私自利且惡劣,用了一批爛人。您若捧他,小弟就覺得可悲呀! 好好保重! 梅峰 |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |