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2015/10/30 10:31:46瀏覽537|回應0|推薦9 | |
Restaurant Review: Mission Chinese Food on the Lower East SidePete Wells October 26, 2015
When it appeared on Orchard Street in 2012, Mission Chinese Food was slightly unreal. It didn't seem to follow the rules, or even know that there were rules. The health department and other city agencies knew, though, and after just 18 months , they pulled the plug on Danny Bowien's hallucinatory all-ages chile-pepper party. 2012年,龍山小館(Mission Chinese Food)出現在果園街(Orchard Street)上時,有點讓人難以置信。它似乎不遵守規定,甚至不知道那些規定的存在。不過,紐約市的衛生部等機構可是知道那些規定的。僅僅18個月後,他們就關掉了丹尼·博溫(Danny Bowien)受到各個年齡層喜愛、會讓人產生幻覺的辣椒派對。 At its new address on East Broadway, there is a two-level dining room with half-moon booths of brushed red velvet under bistro mirrors. And a well-appointed kitchen in the basement, not Orchard Street's narrow galley behind plexiglass. 新店開在東百老匯,就餐區有兩層,設有半月形隔斷,隔斷的座位鋪著紅色天鵝絨,牆上裝有鏡子。設施齊全的廚房設在地下室,與果園街老店藏在樹脂玻璃後面的狹小廚房大不相同。 While very few items on the old menu couldn't be knocked together by one person with a wok in less than five minutes, many dishes now speak of ample counter space and many hands, including those of Angela Dimayuga, the executive chef. (Mr . Bowien is the chef and owner.) Of her many contributions to Mission Chinese Food, the one everybody wants to talk about is Josefina's house special chicken. Josefina is Ms. Dimayuga's grandmother, a Filipina, and her chicken is no short-order stir fry. The bird is roasted with a stuffing of fresh chorizo, raisins, olives, sweet pickles and butter. It is carried to the table on a silver platter, feet splayed out, head tucked in. When the torso is cut into thick slices, the center of each one has the white-and-yellow ring of a hard-cooked egg. Everything about Josefina's chicken is great. 舊菜單上的絕大多數菜只需要一名廚師用一口鍋就能在五分鐘內做好,但是新菜單上的很多菜都要佔用操作台上的很大空間和很多人手,包括執行大廚安杰拉·迪馬玉加(Angela Dimayuga)。(博溫是大廚兼店主)在她對龍山小館的諸多貢獻中,每個人都想談論的是約瑟菲娜(Josefina)的家庭特製烤雞。約瑟菲娜是迪馬玉加的祖母,菲律賓人,她的雞絕不是大火翻炒出來的。雞腔內塞入新鮮的西班牙辣香腸、葡萄乾、橄欖、甜醃菜和黃油等填料烘烤。烤好後,放在銀質長淺盤上上桌,雞爪攤開,雞頭塞進胸腔。雞身切成厚塊,每塊的中央是一塊由蛋青和蛋黃組成的煮蛋切片。約瑟菲娜烤雞無論從哪個角度講,都很棒。 The recipe is most likely of Spanish descent. This should make it an idiosyncratic fixture in a Chinese restaurant, but idiosyncrasy is to Mission Chinese Food what the Bloomin' Onion is to an Outback Steakhouse. 它的食譜很有可能源自西班牙。對於一個中餐館來說,它應該是特色菜,但是特色菜之於龍山小館就像洋蔥花球(Bloomin' Onion)之於澳拜克牛排館(Outback Steakhouse)。 ![]() Evan Sung for The New York Times 蓬鬆的麵包和煙熏醃辣椒以及直接連盒上桌的油漬鳳尾魚是絕配。 In the original San Francisco incarnation, as well as in the first New York location, most of the idiosyncrasies looped around Sichuan cuisine. Many of the old dishes, marked as much by Mr. Bowien's freethinking approach as by the burn and tingle of chiles and Sichuan peppercorns, have migrated to the new restaurant: the kung pao pastrami; the galvanizing lamb ribs with sweet, gooey dates; the Chongqing chicken wings so acutely spicy and flavorful they make Buffalo wings seem as dangerous as an animal cracker. 最初的舊金山龍山小館以及在紐約開的第一家龍山小館都是主打川菜。以前的很多菜最大的特點是博溫的自由發揮以及辣椒和花椒的灼熱感和刺痛感,這些在新餐館裡都得到繼承:宮保熏牛肉;羊排覆以甜黏的紅棗;重慶雞翅辣味十足,而且很入味,相比之下,布法羅雞翅的辣度就像動物餅乾一般,不值一提。 But this kind of scorched-tongue cooking has become a minor motif in Mr. Bowien and Ms. Dimayuga's menu, which goes on for pages. Fewer than a third of the items are marked by red flames blazing from what looks like a pair of cheeks , and not the ones you kiss your grandmother on. The rest is not just less fire-spewing but more varied than before, drawing from regions beyond Sichuan and countries beyond China. 不過,這種燒灼舌頭的烹飪方式已經變成博溫和迪馬玉加菜單上的一個次要主題。厚厚的菜單上只有不到三分之一的菜品標記著燃燒的紅色火焰,底圖好像是一對臉頰,可不是你親吻祖母時她那種泛紅的臉頰。其餘的那些菜不會讓你辣得冒火,比過去更顯多樣化,它們不僅不是川菜,甚至不是中國菜。 Some of it is even nuanced. Splashing around in a gentle, aromatic pool of chamomile, almond milk and saffron, the steamed Napa cabbage has more in common with a chai latte than with Mr. Bowien's pork-drenched mapo tofu. There is a startlingly well-calibrated, nori-sprinkled salad of red cabbage in a Caesar-esque vinaigrette of soy, miso, sesame and anchovy. Konnichiwa, Caesar! Another salad waves toward Vietnam, with green papaya threads, roasted peanuts, sliced banana blossoms and shreds of lightly smoked chicken. 有些菜甚至是細膩入微的。蒸白菜放入用洋甘菊、杏仁乳和藏紅花做成的柔和芳香的湯裡,它與博溫的豬肉麻婆豆腐不太像,倒是與印度奶茶有更多共同之處。紫甘藍沙拉的調味汁是按照嚴格的比例精心調製的,包括醬油、味噌、芝麻和鳳尾魚,上面還撒著海苔,有點像日本料理和凱撒沙拉的結合(請多關照,凱撒!)。還有一道向越南致意的沙拉,裡面有青木瓜絲、烤花生、香蕉切片和微熏過的雞肉絲。 The perfume of dill, mint and basil rises up from a bowl of cellophane noodles in deeply aromatic lamb soup. Grassy, astringent matcha is sprinkled over green-tea noodles with scallions and ginger. Fried rice with sweet and tender lumps of lobster is fragrant with coconut oil. 小茴香、薄荷和羅勒的香味從一碗濃香的羊肉湯粉中散發出來。綠茶麵上撒著澀澀的草綠色抹茶粉,還加有蔥和姜。炒飯裡放入甜嫩龍蝦肉和椰子油,香味撲鼻。 All of these are smart, layered and vibrant enough to win over anybody who shows up thinking that Mission Chinese Food is still in the business of knocking your head against the wall until you smile or pass out or both. It's easier to taste the quieter flavors now. With the extra space and staff, the kitchen pays some attention to the order in which dishes arrive, so it can keep the more antisocial ones in solitary confinement. 所有這些烹飪方法都很明智,且具有層次和活力。有些顧客來這裡用餐時以為如今的龍山小館依然是供應讓你辣到面帶微笑或暈倒(或兩者兼具)的菜餚,而這些新穎的烹飪方法會把他們全部征服。現在,更易品嚐出菜式中更為溫和的味道。因為廚房的空間更大,人手更多,所以能更注重上菜的次序,把那些比較反社會的菜式單獨奉上。 There is a wine list now, stocked with semi-obscure natural wines. In the five months the restaurant has been open, servers have memorized a few stock phrases, like “it goes well with our food” (imagine that), but have not learned which part of the corkscrew will remove a metal bottle cap, or when to stop pouring an unfiltered wine to keep sediment from sliding into the glass. 新餐館也有了酒單,供應有些渾濁的天然葡萄酒。在餐館開業的五個月裡,服務員們已經記住了一些套話,比如“這跟我們的食物很搭”(你自己想像一下),不過他們可能還沒弄清瓶塞鑽的哪一側能移除金屬瓶蓋,或者應該何時停止傾倒未經過過濾的葡萄酒,以免沉渣滑進玻璃杯。 I liked taking a hammer to a clay brick to reveal a whole duck confit stuffed with sticky rice and chestnuts, and liked the rich and oily meat I tore from the legs, but I didn't love the dry breast meat, and I wouldn' t mind taking a hammer to the $100 price tag. I also won't be handing over another $150 for a smoked prime rib topped with a king crab leg, a garnish that just seemed like bait for the hedge-fund crowd. For far less money, the celery with hazelnuts that was so nicely stir-fried one time was nearly raw the next. I might have loved the just-cooked black kale with pickled plums if not for the overpowering brininess. 我喜歡拿著錘子敲開一層陶土,露出一整隻塞有糯米和栗子填料的油封鴨,我也喜歡從鴨腿上撕下濃郁油滑的肉,但我不喜歡幹幹的鴨胸肉,而且我也想拿著那把錘子把那100美元的價簽敲碎。我也不會再花150美元點那道熏制牛肋排,上面放著一條帝王蟹腿,這個裝飾品似乎是給對沖基金經理準備的誘餌。相比之下,芹菜炒榛子的價錢要便宜得多,這道菜有一次炒得特別好吃,不過第二次炒得又太生。要是沒那麼鹹的話,我可能也會喜歡微烹的黑色羽衣橄欖和梅子。 But these are normal lapses for what has become, against the odds and to almost everybody's benefit, a nearly normal restaurant. The hallucinations may have stopped, but Mission Chinese Food is still a trip. 不過,對一個基本正常(這實現起來很難,而且對幾乎所有人來說都是好事)的餐館來說,這些都是正常的疏漏。錯覺也許已經消散,但是龍山小館仍是值得一去的地方。 |
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