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2009/04/20 11:55:47瀏覽1281|回應0|推薦2 | |
文章來源: 聯合報 美國一名被判家暴罪名確立的男子,回家朝妻子額頭正中央近距離轟了一槍後自我了斷,結果男子當場死亡,妻子卻在子彈貫穿腦門後,沒事般替自己泡了杯茶,還問趕到現場的警員「出了什麽事?要不要也來杯茶?」,令警察嘖嘖稱奇。 事情14日發生於密西西比州,57歲男子薩克斯頓午夜過後不久返回在賈克森郡鄉下的家中,怒氣沖沖找47歲的妻子泰咪·薩克斯頓理論。一名親戚見狀沖出門報警,這時薩克斯頓朝在床上的妻子直直的開了一槍,一顆點38子彈貫穿泰咪頭顱,再從後腦射出。薩克斯頓開槍後走到後門廊飲彈自盡。 薩克斯頓4月9日被判家暴罪名成立,緩刑6個月。前些日子,賈克森郡的副警長還在到處找他,要交給他法院判決文檔,並命令他不得接近泰咪。 警長柏德說,幾名警員於案發數分鐘後抵達現場,以為要處理的是一樁謀殺兼自殺案件,沒想到泰咪竟照常與他們談話,只是頭上多綁了條布。她的床頭櫃上多了杯茶,顯然她曾起身到微波爐,替自己泡了這杯茶。一名警員說,他很肯定泰咪是在事後替自己泡的茶。 泰咪人是有點迷糊,但意識非常清醒,她問警員出了什麽事,還問他們要不要杯茶喝。柏德說,頭部受傷的案件他見多了,頭部中彈很少活得成,而泰咪居然還能好端端給自己泡茶。柏德說:「這絕對是個奇跡。」 泰咪被直升機火速送往醫院急救,已住院三天,當前情況良好,醫生表示她一定能完全康復。柏德認為,子彈顯然穿過泰咪的腦葉,但未造成重創。 Woman makes cup of tea after being shot in head An American woman who was shot in the head by her husband not only survived but made herself a cup of tea. By Our Foreign Staff and Agencies in Birmingham, Alabama Last Updated: 12:18PM BST 18 Apr 2009 Police and doctors hailed the survival of Tammy Sexton, 47, as miraculous after a bullet from a .38-calibre handgun struck her squarely in the forehead, passed through her skull and exited through the back of her head. She is expected to make a full recovery, while her husband shot himself dead after the attack on his wife. But law enforcement officers in Jackson County, Mississippi, were also astonished that Mrs Sexton offered them tea when they arrived at her home after the shooting. Sheriff Mike Byrd said: "When the officer got there she said, 'What's going on?' She was holding a rag on her head and talking. She was conscious, but she was confused about what had happened. "She had made herself some tea and offered the officer something to drink. "There's no way she should be alive other than a miracle from God. You just don't hear of something like this. Somebody gets shot in the head and they're dead." He said that her husband had been on probation for domestic violence and officers had been seeking to serve him with a court order demanding he stayed away from his wife and their rural home. He said the bullet apparently passed through the lobes of the woman's brain without causing major damage. She was rushed to hospital by helicopter where shehas been monitored for three days. Dr Patrick Pritchard, an assistant professor of surgery at the University of Alabama-Birmingham, said: "There is a space in the brain where a missile could pass without doing any major damage. "Is it possible? Yes. It would be rare." |
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