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1936 Berlin Olympic Games 1936年的柏林奧運會
2008/08/09 17:06:53瀏覽1506|回應0|推薦5

At the Big Ten track and field championships of 1935, Ohio State's Jesse Owens equaled or set world records in four events: the 100 and 220-yard dashes, 200-yard low hurdles and the long jump. He was also credited with world marks in the 200-meter run and 200-meter hurdles. That's six world records in one afternoon, and he did it all in 45 minutes!

The following year, he swept the 100 and 200 meters and long jump at the Olympic Trials and headed for Germany favored to win all three.

In Berlin, dictator Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers felt sure that the Olympics would be the ideal venue to demonstrate Germany's oft-stated racial superiority. He directed that $25 million be spent on the finest facilities, the cleanest streets and the temporary withdrawal of all outward signs of the state-run anti-Jewish campaign. By the time over 4,000 athletes from 49 countries arrived for the Games, the stage was set. The Berlin Olympic Games of 1936 were a gigantic Nazi showpiece. There were more swastikas bedecking the main stadium than there were Olympic flags. And each success of a German athlete was hailed locally as a victory for the master race. Germany headed the medal table with 33 golds compared with second placegetter the United States' 24. But most of Germany's medals were in the more esoteric events such as horse-riding, gymnastics and rowing.

Then Jesse Owens, a black sharecropper's son from Alabama, stole the show - winning his three individual events and adding a fourth gold medal in the 400-meter relay. The fact that four other American blacks also won did little to please Herr Hitler, but the applause from the German crowds, especially for Owens, was thunderous. Jesse Owens embarrassed Adolf Hitler by disproving the Nazi theory that the black races were inferior to the Aryans.

Hitler made sure he had left the stadium before any of Owens' medal presentations. But Owens wasn't the only black athlete he snubbed. On the first day, when Cornelius Johnson won the high jump, Hitler beat a hasty retreat.

Germany won only five combined gold medals in men's and women's track and field, but saved face for the "master race" in the overall medal count with an 89-56 margin over the United States.

The top female performers in Berlin were 17-year-old Dutch swimmer Rie Mastenbroek, who won three gold medals, and 18-year-old American runner Helen Stephens, who captured the 100 meters and anchored the winning 4x100-meter relay team.

Basketball also made its debut as a medal sport and was played outdoors. The U.S. men easily won the first gold medal championship game with a 19-8 victory over Canada, in the rain.

An innovation in 1936 was the Olympic torch, lit by the rays of the sun at Olympia in Greece and carried by 3,000 relay runners to the main stadium in the German capital. It is a tradition that has continued at every subsequent Olympic Games.

Source: 1996 Information Please Sports Almanac

October 1, 2000 Patricia Down writes: I was a Australian competitor in 1936 Olympics...a swimmer. In Australia we were very worried we would not get to the Olympics as there was much talk of war. We were the first team to arrive in Berlin..great reception, but surprised at all the military uniforms. Hitler and his entourage always attended the Olympics in full uniform. He upset I.O.C. by placing German flags arround the stadium instead of competing countries..ordered to take them down.

Opening Ceremony ..we heard the French team were not going to recognise Hitler, but they gave the Nazi salute anyway resulting in a thunderous reception Later stated they gave the Olympic Salute, not the Nazi. No one has ever heard of the Olympic salute! There were many instances of the political atmosphere. o In closing..Jeanette Campbell from the Argentine received a letter from Holland ask her to organise a boycott by the women of the Opening Ceremony and demand the release of two Dutchmen who has disappeared ona trip to Germany. She let the matter drop. Just a a note or two. Thought you might be interested.








  奧運會於8月16日閉幕。德國借東道主之力,獲33枚金牌居各國之首。柏林奧運會是納粹一手炮制的奧運會,為德國法西斯起到了粉飾太平作用。奧運會結束 3年後,1939年9月,德國法西斯便發動了侵略戰爭,給全世界人民帶來了空前的災難。1954年,國際奧委會就此發表公報,做了檢討。 


而希特勒和他的同僚們有意使奧運會成為一次大規模的宣傳機會。在這種情況下,具有諷刺意味的是,他們通過象征性地為德國隊選了幾個猶太人隊員來避開國際的批評。然而,他們的最大的難堪並不是由猶太人而是由一個黑人運動員傑西·歐文(wiki)斯(Jess Owens)引起的。

當主辦國的漢斯·沃爾克(Hans Woelke)在開幕式那天的鉛球比賽中獲勝時,希特勒讓遊行的隊伍在他的前面通過,作為日耳曼民族的至高無上的統治者的象征。但是,納粹們對於歐文斯獲得的4塊金牌是如此地氣惱,以至於希特勒被說服不公開與獲勝者們一同出現,這基於他的宣傳部長約瑟夫·戈培爾(Josef Goebbels )將歐文斯和其他的黑人運動員們稱為“為金錢而賣命的黑人”。當希特勒在一個官方的接待場合無法避開歐文斯時,他直截了當地拒絕與他握手。













The German Chancellor Adolf Hitler (c) watches the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin with the Italian Crown Prince. August 3, 1936 Berlin, Germany

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