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2008/01/10 11:38:42瀏覽389|回應2|推薦17
不知是不是我環境因素, 總覺得住在美國這些年都不覺得外國人
裡有像台灣那樣的政治狂熱者, 今年是我第一次擁有投票權, 選
下一屆的美國總統, 但不知是不是工作地方大都是中國人, 對
美國的政治不熱衷, 還是我剛巧都碰到不是政治狂熱者.
也許美國不如台灣狂熱, 所以我對有可能參選總統一無所
知, 而台灣恰巧相反, 不管你對政治是否熱衷總是會對候選人
略知一二, 不過 不管我知不知道參選人的背景, 我想在十一月前
我應該會好好研究這些候選人 然後投下我神聖的一票:)
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2008/01/11 06:33
你英語真好! 工作的地方都是中國人?  那麼國台語嘛也通?! 我們公司Phoenix General Office可只有我一個中國人, 我英文卻超爛的, 講得通就好, 卻常常辭不達意, 滿苦惱的! 現在在家上班, 最怕連線會議, 大家都看不到人, 講話又超快的, 此起彼落, 怕漏掉重要訊息, 又怕講錯話, 如坐針氈, 很難挨, 沒有人可以查證, 只好請主任幫我把重要決定彙集在Email, 再送給我一次!
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草埔人(LIJENN) 於 2008-01-11 11:19 回覆:

還好還好~~~  雖然從九歲就來這裡  但是據我主管說 其實我還聽得出腔調的

尤其是WATER 跟ORDER 我總是說不標準


Please allow me...
2008/01/10 13:30
Please excuse me for writing in “partial English.” I suggest that you start with deciding which major party (Democratic Party 民主黨 or Republican Party 共和黨) follows closer to your political/societal ideology and to your heart. Personally, I have always voted for Democratic candidates. People are often surprised when they learn about that, as they think that I have very good income and will want people to “help themselves” (and not relying on the society’s assistance). However, I think the “harmony” of the society is far more important than any "potential" personal financial gains. A gentler and more generous society is better all of us than one that 自己好就好 (please excuse the strong language). Sorry, 不是有意要 turn this into a political 回應. If you think differently, 請一笑置之…
草埔人(LIJENN) 於 2008-01-10 19:43 回覆:

I usually support the candidates by the way they do the job, not by political parties, As I am always neutral when it comes to political.  So I would choose the one that I think will best do the job, disregard whatever their political parties are.