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2014/10/14 22:29:54瀏覽338|回應0|推薦0 | |
我注:只要心存慈悲不殺,時刻不忘超度,常常念誦超度咒、往生咒:身、口、意保持不傷害別人、殺害生命的念頭!阿彌陀佛! (不管在家或是出家人,在生活上用的用品包括:衣物、食物、煮飯的木材、蔬菜、水果等等等《這些物品上面是生存著無數生命最多眾生》;你們洗衣、煮飯、燒材、洗澡、洗手、洗頭髮、洗腳等等等等都在殺死無數量的眾生!就憑你不吃葷就大言不愧說戒殺放生了?你知道一棵青菜、一支木材上有多少個眾生嗎?我們住在這裏是塵埃世界,所謂一塵埃一世界,整個世界佈滿生命!所以千萬別執著我吃素就比吃葷的好,鄙視吃葷的人,認為自己絕對沒有殺生!阿彌陀佛!) 《以下是我親自經歷過的經驗:有一次我拾了很多木材,砍斷成每根一尺長並扎成每把二十根。我把它們裝滿朔膠袋,並且收藏在家裏的小儲存室裏,準備冬天取暖用的!誰知道因為家裏溫度高。木材上面都佈滿一些小飛蟲的卵蛋兒提前孵化出來了,它們飛滿滿整個儲存倉庫。真的把我嚇唬了一大跳!哇哇大叫,這些乾材上原來可以附著這麼多眾生呀!所以說呀!古代和尚煮飯肯定用木材吧?你們敢說吃素就完全沒有殺生了嗎?凡人就是凡人,就是只相信我們的眼、耳、鼻、舌、身,把無形的或肉眼看不見的就當成不存在了!難怪佛陀說:我們眾生(包括很多出家眾)都是肉眼凡胎呀!阿彌陀佛!》 What is the definition of "Non-Vegetarian" and "Vegetarian"? 《TBNSky ~ Golden Words》 https://www.facebook.com/TBSkyNews Modern day Buddhists regard abstinence from killing and consuming meat as being vegetarian (pure). Likewise, eating meat will make you a non-vegetarian (impure). This is having just a one-sided view. The essence of Buddha's teaching is: abstinence from greed equates to being vegetarian (pure). If the eyes do not crave for form or beauty, that is being vegetarian (pure). If the ears do not crave for melodious sounds, that is being vegetarian (pure). If the nose does not crave for intoxicating scents, that is being vegetarian (pure). If the tongue does not crave for Fine wines and delectable delicacies, that is being vegetarian (pure). If the body does not crave for luxurious branded clothing and fine jewellery, that is being vegetarian (pure). If the mind does not crave for fame, wealth, form or love, that is being vegetarian (pure)................................ -------------------------------------------------- 何謂『葷、素』? 《真佛天空金玉良言》 https://www.facebook.com/TBSkyNews 現代佛教徒認為不殺生、不食肉就是素,而吃肉就是葷,這是只知其一不知其二,佛陀的本意是:「不貪就是素」。 眼睛不貪好色美物,就是素。 耳朵不貪愛靡靡之音,就是素。 鼻子不貪嗅異味妙香,就是素。 舌頭不貪上好美味,美酒佳饌,就是素。 身子不貪高貴名牌衣料,金銀珠寶,就是素。 意念不貪名,不貪利,不貪色,不貪愛,就是素。............................. |
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